Assassination of Social Leader Alfredo Alonso Osorio Gallego in Buga Shocks Colombia

Alfredo Alonso Osorio Gallego, a 59-year-old social leader, was assassinated in Buga, Colombia, with gunshot wounds found on his body. The murder is the 72nd of a social leader in Colombia this year, sparking outrage and calls for justice and government action.

Nitish Verma
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Assassination of Social Leader Alfredo Alonso Osorio Gallego in Buga Shocks Colombia

Assassination of Social Leader Alfredo Alonso Osorio Gallego in Buga Shocks Colombia

On May 31, 2024, Alfredo Alonso Osorio Gallego, a 59-year-old social leader and mototaxista, was assassinated in Buga, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. His body was discovered with gunshot wounds in the El Carmelo neighborhood, specifically in the La Arenera sector, near the Guadalajara River.

Osorio Gallego was a member of the Colombia Humana political movement and served as a communications liaison for the Municipal Coordination Board's Technical Secretariat. He was recognized as a social leader and was described by the movement as "an honest, solidarity, fraternal, hardworking person, and a firm believer in the Political Project of Change in Colombia."

According to eyewitnesses, Osorio was riding his motorcycle in the El Carmelo neighborhood when armed men intercepted him and shot him multiple times. His motorcycle was found abandoned at the scene. The area where the crime occurred is known to have dissident groups of the FARC and local criminal gangs operating in the region.

Why this matters: The assassination of a social leader in Colombia highlights the ongoing violence and instability in the country, which can have far-reaching implications for regional security and human rights. If left unchecked, this violence can lead to further destabilization and erosion of trust in government institutions.

The Colombia Humana movement condemned the crime and urged authorities to investigate and clarify the circumstances surrounding Osorio Gallego's death. This incident brings the total number of social leaders assassinated in Colombia this year to 72, according to the Institute of Study for Development and Peace (Indepaz).

The Defensoría del Pueblo (Ombudsman's Office) had previously issued alerts AT 010/24 and AT 019/23, warning of the risk of violence against social leaders and human rights defenders in the municipality of Buga. The presence of illegal armed groups and local gangs in the area has heightened security concerns.

The governor of Valle del Cauca, Dilian Francisca Toro, has called for more support and action from the national government to combat illegal organizations, including the 'Clan del Golfo,' which is active in the region. "We need more support from the national government, for example, we don't have air force flight hours, which is very important to achieve success in these types of operations," said the governor.

The assassination of Alfredo Alonso Osorio Gallego has sparked outrage and concern among locals, who are demanding justice for his murder. The authorities are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the assassination, and the community hopes for a swift resolution.

The murder of Osorio Gallego highlights the ongoing dangers faced by social leaders in Colombia, which the continuing investigation brings to the forefront. The need for enhanced security measures and effective governmental action remains critical to protect those who advocate for social change.

Key Takeaways

  • Alfredo Alonso Osorio Gallego, 59, a social leader and mototaxista, was assassinated in Buga, Colombia on May 31, 2024.
  • He was a member of the Colombia Humana political movement and served as a communications liaison.
  • Armed men intercepted him on his motorcycle and shot him multiple times in the El Carmelo neighborhood.
  • This is the 72nd social leader assassination in Colombia this year, according to Indepaz.
  • The governor of Valle del Cauca is calling for more support from the national government to combat illegal organizations.