Cyclone Remal Inflicts Tk 68.80 Billion in Damages Across Bangladesh

Cyclone Remal causes widespread destruction in Bangladesh, affecting 3.7 million people and causing Tk 68.80 billion in damages. The EU releases €1.2 million in aid to address the immediate needs of affected populations.

Nimrah Khatoon
New Update
Cyclone Remal Inflicts Tk 68.80 Billion in Damages Across Bangladesh

Cyclone Remal Inflicts Tk 68.80 Billion in Damages Across Bangladesh

Cyclone Remal has left a trail of destruction across 20 districts in Bangladesh, causing substantial property loss, damaged embankments, and setbacks to the Payra River dredging project. State Minister Md Mohibbur Rahman reported that the cyclone caused damages, estimated amounting to Tk 68.80 billion.

The cyclone has significantly impacted communities, particularly in the South-West of Bangladesh and the Cox's Bazar district in the South-East. Over 3.7 million people are estimated to be affected in southwestern Bangladesh, and more than 800,000 were evacuated to safety.

Extensive flooding has resulted in damage to over 150,000 houses, farming lands, and other infrastructure. The situation in the Rohingya refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar has worsened, with more than 1,400 shelters damaged.

The European Union has responded by releasing €1.2 million, aid to address the immediate needs of the affected populations. This funding will help provide shelter, water, sanitation access, and other vital items for those who lost their homes.

Cyclone Remal's devastating impact on Bangladesh highlights the urgent need for climate resilience measures and disaster preparedness in vulnerable regions. If left unaddressed, such natural disasters can lead to long-term economic and social instability, exacerbating existing humanitarian crises.

Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management, stated, *"EU assistance will provide much needed support to the most affected populations, in particular Bangladeshi communities in the worse hit areas. We also remain committed to helping the affected Rohingya refugees that were already living in a very vulnerable situation in Cox's Bazar, and their host communities. "*

On May 26, 2024, Cyclone Remal made landfall in Patuakhali district with a maximum wind speed of 111 km/h, causing widespread flooding and damage. The cyclone impacted 4.6 million people, including 2.24 million women and 1.79 million children. Sixteen deaths were reported, and 173,866 houses were partially or fully damaged.

The humanitarian response has been swift. The Needs Assessment Working Group conducted a situation, report and shared the results on May 31, 2024. With UNICEF support, the Department of Public Health Engineering distributed 475,902 Water Purification Tablets, 4,788 Jerry Cans, 578 water buckets, and 627 Hygiene Kits in affected locations to prevent water-borne diseases.

In Jashore, the cyclone damaged crops across 3,074 hectares, affecting vegetables, bananas, mangoes, sesame, papaya, moong dal, chilli, jute, litchi, and lemon. Dr. Sushanta Kumar Tarapdar, Deputy Director of the Department of Agricultural Extension, noted that a full assessment of the damage might take a few more days.

The broader implications of Cyclone Remal's impact highlight the increasing vulnerability of Bangladesh to climate-related disasters. Rewritten text: The broader implications of Cyclone Remal's impact highlight the increasing vulnerability of Bangladesh to climate-related disasters, as the IPCC climate report paints a grim scenario. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has predicted more frequent and severe cyclones, heavy rainfall, and flooding in the region as a result of global warming.

Cyclone Remal has caused extensive damage across Bangladesh, affecting millions and highlighting the urgent need for enhanced disaster preparedness and climate resilience measures. Rewritten text: Cyclone Remal has caused extensive damage across Bangladesh, affecting millions and highlighting the urgent need for enhanced disaster preparedness and climate resilience measures that portray a grim scenario.

Key Takeaways

  • Cyclone Remal causes Tk 68.80 billion in damages across 20 districts in Bangladesh.
  • Over 3.7 million people affected, 800,000 evacuated, and 150,000 houses damaged.
  • EU releases €1.2 million in aid for shelter, water, sanitation, and vital items.
  • Cyclone highlights need for climate resilience measures and disaster preparedness.
  • 16 deaths reported, with 4.6 million people, including 2.24 million women and 1.79 million children, impacted.