Ecuador's President Noboa Establishes Manta as Security Hub Amid Rising Violence

Ecuador's President declares Manta a temporary security operations center after a brutal attack kills three, including a legislator, during a circus performance. The move aims to address escalating violence attributed to organized gangs in the region.

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Ecuador's President Noboa Establishes Manta as Security Hub Amid Rising Violence

Ecuador's President Noboa Establishes Manta as Security Hub Amid Rising Violence

In response to escalating violence, Ecuador's President Daniel Noboa has declared Manta as a temporary security operations center. This decision follows a brutal attack in the city on Sunday, which left three people dead, including substitute legislator Cristhian Nieto and his wife Nicole Burgos.

The attack occurred while the victims were attending a circus performance in Manta, in the province of Manabi. Nieto, known for his social activism, was the CEO of Trix-Network Productions and the organizer of the circus. His social work focused on helping homeless people with drug addiction.

The violence in Manabi is part of a broader wave of crime attributed to organized gangs such as Los Lobos and Los Choneros. In recent months, the province has witnessed several massacres, heightening the need for stringent security measures.

President Noboa's response to the increasing violence has been swift. He declared a new state of emergency covering seven of Ecuador's 24 provinces. This marks the second phase of his campaign against organized crime, which he initiated earlier this year.

Nieto, also known as 'Cristhian Rescues,' was a prominent figure in the Citizen Revolution movement led by former president Rafael Correa. He was elected as an alternate legislator for the province of Los Rios in the early general elections of 2023. His death, along with his wife's, has sent shockwaves through the community.

The attack on Sunday also injured three others, including journalist Josue Suarez. Eyewitnesses reported that hitmen fired without hesitation while dozens of families with children were lining up to enter the circus tent. The incident was live-streamed on social media, capturing the horror and desperation of those present.

Ecuador has been struggling with increasing violence since 2021, driven by territorial disputes linked to transnational drug trafficking. The country has seen a rise in violent deaths, with the number increasing from 25 to 42 per 100,000 inhabitants in just one year.

In January, President Noboa declared Ecuador in an 'internal armed conflict,' deploying the army to neutralize around twenty criminal gangs. The strategic location of Ecuador between Colombia and Peru, the world's largest cocaine producers, has turned the country into a critical logistics center for drug trafficking.

The establishment of Manta as a temporary security operations center is a vital step in addressing the growing security concerns in the region. This move aims to coordinate security efforts and respond effectively to the ongoing crisis.

As Ecuador continues to battle organized crime, the government's actions will be closely watched. The tragic death of Cristhian Nieto and his wife highlights the urgent need for effective measures to restore peace and security in the country.

Key Takeaways

  • Ecuador's President declares Manta a temporary security operations center due to escalating violence.
  • Three people, including a legislator and his wife, were killed in a brutal attack at a circus performance.
  • The attack is attributed to organized gangs, part of a broader wave of crime in the region.
  • President Noboa has declared a state of emergency in 7 provinces to combat organized crime.
  • Ecuador has seen a significant increase in violent deaths, driven by drug trafficking and gang violence.