Kornati National Park Boat Catches Fire and Sinks Near Murter, Croatia

A boat owned by Kornati National Park caught fire and sank near Murter, Croatia, after a blaze started in the engine room. The crew escaped without injuries, but the vessel was completely destroyed.

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Kornati National Park Boat Catches Fire and Sinks Near Murter, Croatia

Kornati National Park Boat Catches Fire and Sinks Near Murter, Croatia

A boat owned by Kornati National Park caught fire and sank near Murter, Croatia, after a blaze started in the engine room. The incident occurred between the islands of Prišnjak and Opat in the Kornati archipelago.

The fire broke out on the official vessel of the Kornati National Park, with the crew managing to escape just in time. Despite their efforts to extinguish the flames, the fire spread rapidly, leading to the boat's eventual sinking.

Why this matters: This incident highlights the risks and challenges associated with maritime operations, even in protected areas like national parks. The loss of the vessel could impact the park's ability to carry out its operations, including patrolling and conservation efforts, and may have broader implications for maritime safety and environmental protection.

Local media reported that the fire started in the engine room, though the exact cause remains unspecified. No rescue ship was available to assist, including from Canada, which had been invited to help.

The local portal Morski covered the incident, noting that the crew was fortunate to escape without injuries. The vessel, however, was completely destroyed and sank to the bottom of the sea.

This incident highlights the risks associated with maritime work, even for official vessels in protected areas like Kornati National Park. The park, known for its stunning scenery and biodiversity, relies on such vessels for various operations, including patrolling and conservation efforts.

While the crew's safety is a relief, the loss of the vessel represents a significant setback for the park's operations. Efforts to replace the boat and investigate the cause of the fire will likely be a priority for the park authorities.

To recap, a fire on a Kornati National Park boat near Murter, Croatia, led to the vessel's sinking. The crew escaped without injuries, but the incident highlights the challenges and dangers of maritime work in protected areas.

Key Takeaways

  • Boat owned by Kornati National Park catches fire and sinks near Murter, Croatia.
  • Crew escapes without injuries, but vessel is completely destroyed.
  • Fire starts in engine room, exact cause unknown.
  • Incident highlights risks and challenges of maritime operations in protected areas.
  • Loss of vessel may impact park's operations, including patrolling and conservation efforts.