Man Arrested in Burundi's Ruvumera Market for Alleged Arson Attempt, Prompting New Security Measures

A man was arrested near Ruvumera market in Burundi on suspicion of attempting to set the market on fire, leading to heightened security measures. New rules prohibit street traders from entering the market, and merchants must use designated doors and gates for access and exit.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Man Arrested in Burundi's Ruvumera Market for Alleged Arson Attempt, Prompting New Security Measures

Man Arrested in Burundi's Ruvumera Market for Alleged Arson Attempt, Prompting New Security Measures

On May 29, 2024, a man was arrested near the Ruvumera market in Buyenzi, Mukaza, Burundi, on suspicion of attempting to set the market on fire. This incident has led to heightened security measures and a significant overhaul in market access protocols.

The arrest triggered a security meeting, resulting in new measures to control access to the market. Street traders are now prohibited from entering the market, and merchants are required to use only two designated doors for entry and one gate for exit.

Why this matters: The incident highlights the growing security concerns in Burundi and the need for authorities to take proactive measures to prevent such incidents. The new security measures could have a significant impact on the daily lives of merchants and customers, and may influence market operations in the long run.

This decision follows a series of alarming incidents, including the discovery of explosive devices planted in the market. A man was apprehended with grenades, and on May 2, the market was partially burnt as a result of grenades placed in electrical cabins.

The suspect, whose identity has not been disclosed, was arrested near the Ruvumera market. He reportedly revealed the identities of his collaborators and bosses during interrogation. "He was taken to a police cell. He revealed his collaborators and his bosses," stated a trader from Ruvumera.

Market commissioner Éric Baseka announced the new rules, emphasizing the ban on itinerant traders, including the Maasai, who are traditionally allowed to trade across East Africa. "From now on, traders will have to use two gates located to the west of the market to enter and use a single exit located in the east. No more itinerant traders in the streets of the market, even the Maasai authorized to do this type of trade across all the East African community are banned, No exceptions," Baseka declared.

Traders suspect these incidents may be acts of revenge related to a recent decision by Burundian authorities to withdraw the right of former owners to rent stands to individuals. President Évariste Ndayishimiye has been vocal about his stance against commission agents, arguing that they exploit Burundian citizens and the government.

The new security measures aim to prevent further incidents and ensure the safety of merchants and customers. The investigation's ongoing progress will likely lead to the market's future operations being closely monitored.

Key Takeaways

  • Man arrested near Ruvumera market in Burundi for attempted arson.
  • New security measures: limited market access, no street traders allowed.
  • Incident highlights growing security concerns in Burundi.
  • Suspect revealed collaborators and bosses during interrogation.
  • Market operations to be closely monitored to prevent further incidents.