Zabaleta and Saavedra Reveal Details of Tragic Attack in Ethiopia

Spanish producer and photographer Toni Espadas was killed in an attack in Omo Park, Ethiopia, while a team was filming a TV program with the Mursi tribe. Chilean celebrities Jorge Zabaleta and Francisco Saavedra, who were part of the team, recounted the harrowing experience in an emotional interview.

Nitish Verma
New Update
Zabaleta and Saavedra Reveal Details of Tragic Attack in Ethiopia

Zabaleta and Saavedra Reveal Details of Tragic Attack in Ethiopia

On May 20, a tragic incident occurred in Omo Park, Ethiopia, resulting in the death of Spanish producer and photographer Toni Espadas. The attack took place while a team, including Chilean celebrities Jorge Zabaleta and Francisco Saavedra, were on an expedition to live with the Mursi tribe and record content for a television program.

Upon returning to Chile, Zabaleta and Saavedra gave an emotional interview to Soledad Onetto for Tele13 Central, recounting the harrowing details of the tragedy. The interview, which will be broadcast in its entirety, reveals the emotional toll the incident took on the hosts.

Zabaleta described the experience as life-changing, stating, "For me, it is an experience that changes everything, not necessarily for the worse, it is an experience that changed me from the depths of my being." He also expressed his fear during the incident, saying, "I was very worried and scared more than anything that was happening, how this was going... What was it going to do to me, how was I going to wake up the next day..."

Saavedra shared his mixed feelings, particularly during the funeral of Toni Espadas. He said, "They are mixed feelings because you know that today they are saying goodbye to Toni in Spain, his friends, his widow, and so many people who loved him very much." He also recalled the words of Espadas' widow, Irene, during the funeral: "Not only Africa mourns him, Spain mourns him, and Chile also mourns him."

This incident highlights the risks and dangers that journalists and documentarians face while reporting from remote and conflict-prone areas. It also highlights the need for increased security measures and protocols to protect media personnel in such situations.

The incident has had a profound impact on both Zabaleta and Saavedra, who were in Ethiopia to create content for their television program 'Socios por el Mundo.' The team was in Omo Park to live with the Mursi tribe, a unique cultural experience that turned into a tragic event.

The attack has left a lasting mark on everyone involved, highlighting the risks that come with exploring and documenting remote areas. The team returns to their regular lives, the memory of Toni Espadas and the tragic events in Ethiopia will remain with them.

Key Takeaways

  • Spanish producer Toni Espadas killed in Omo Park, Ethiopia.
  • Chilean celebrities Jorge Zabaleta and Francisco Saavedra witnessed the attack.
  • The incident occurred while filming a TV program with the Mursi tribe.
  • Zabaleta and Saavedra shared emotional accounts of the tragedy in an interview.
  • The incident highlights risks faced by journalists in remote areas.