Gabriela Bordabehere Leads Sustainable Wool Production in Uruguay for Gucci

Gabriela Bordabehere, an agronomist, leads La Soledad, a pilot farm in Uruguay, which partners with Gucci to source sustainable wool. The farm's sustainable practices, part of the Nativa Regen program, prioritize environmental and social responsibility.

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Gabriela Bordabehere Leads Sustainable Wool Production in Uruguay for Gucci

Gabriela Bordabehere Leads Sustainable Wool Production in Uruguay for Gucci

Gabriela Bordabehere, an agronomist, is at the helm of 'La Soledad,' a pilot establishment in Tacuarembó, Uruguay, playing a key role in the Nativa Regen program. This initiative, launched by Chargeurs Luxury Fibers, aims to protect the land, ensure animal health, and support producers and communities. Since 2022, Lanas Trinidad, Uruguay's main wool producer and exporter, has sold 100 tons of wool to the luxury brand Gucci, with some of this wool sourced from La Soledad.

The Nativa Regen program is a triple impact system focusing on sustainability, animal welfare, and community support. Bordabehere emphasizes that sustainable farming is not just about producing more but about making a positive impact on the environment and society. The program promotes sustainable farming practices, reduces carbon dioxide emissions, and ensures the well-being of animals while providing training and resources to improve the quality of life for farmers and their communities.

La Soledad, under Bordabehere's leadership, serves as a model for sustainable farming. The establishment prioritizes caring for the land, biodiversity, and the local community, in addition to animal welfare. Bordabehere has implemented measures such as planting native trees, protecting riparian areas, and adopting regenerative agriculture practices. These efforts have not gone unnoticed; Bordabehere received the Climate Action Award from the Italian National Chamber of Fashion in 2022.

Bordabehere's path toward sustainable farming began in 2017 when La Soledad obtained the Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) certification. In 2018, Nativa Regen approached her to integrate their proposal, which aligned with her values of caring for the land, animals, people, and the community. The program suggested measures to improve sustainability indicators, including planting at least 10 hectares of native trees, protecting riparian areas with fencing, changing pasture practices to reduce intensity, and generating more durable prairies with a focus on perennial species.

Why this matters: The partnership between La Soledad and Gucci sets a precedent for sustainable practices in the luxury fashion industry, highlighting the importance of environmental and social responsibility. As consumers become increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their purchases, companies that prioritize sustainability are likely to gain a competitive edge in the market.

Gucci's commitment to sustainability has led to its partnership with La Soledad. The luxury fashion brand has invested in Nativa Regen and purchased certified wool from Uruguayan producers like Bordabehere. This partnership not only supports the Nativa Regen program but also promotes sustainable farming practices, demonstrating Gucci's dedication to reducing its environmental footprint.

Bordabehere's personal story is one of resilience and hard work. After her husband's passing, she took over the establishment and has since dedicated herself to making a positive impact on the environment and her community. She hopes to leave a lasting legacy for future generations, saying, *"I don't want my grandchildren to remember me that woman who sold wool to Gucci, but someone who made a difference in this world."*

Bordabehere's work at La Soledad under the Nativa Regen program exemplifies the potential of sustainable farming practices. By focusing on protecting the land, ensuring animal health, and supporting producers and communities, she sets a benchmark for others in the industry. Her partnership with Gucci highlights the growing importance of sustainability in the luxury fashion sector.

Key Takeaways

  • Gabriela Bordabehere leads La Soledad, a sustainable farm in Uruguay, under the Nativa Regen program.
  • Nativa Regen promotes sustainable farming, animal welfare, and community support, reducing carbon emissions.
  • La Soledad sells 100 tons of wool to Gucci, setting a precedent for sustainable practices in luxury fashion.
  • Bordabehere's efforts earned her the 2022 Climate Action Award from the Italian National Chamber of Fashion.
  • The partnership highlights the importance of environmental and social responsibility in the luxury fashion industry.