Tunisia's Date Exports Surge with 19.7% Value Increase in 2023/2024 Season

Tunisia's date export industry saw a 14.6% increase in volume and 19.7% increase in value in the first seven months of the 2023/2024 season. The country exported 114,700 tonnes of dates, with organic date products accounting for 5% of total exports by volume.

Nimrah Khatoon
New Update
Tunisia's Date Exports Surge with 19.7% Value Increase in 2023/2024 Season

Tunisia's Date Exports Surge with 19.7% Value Increase in 2023/2024 Season

Tunisia's date export industry has experienced a significant boost in the first seven months of the 2023/2024 season. According to the National Observatory of Agriculture (ONAGRI Vigilance), the country exported 114,700 tonnes of dates, marking a 14.6% increase in volume compared to the same period in the previous season.

The value of these exports also saw a substantial rise, reaching TND 717.7 million, which represents a 19.7% increase over the same period in 2022/2023. This growth underscores the robust performance of Tunisia's date sector, both in terms of quantity and financial returns.

Why this matters: The growth of Tunisia's date exports has significant implications for the country's economy and its position in the global market. As the demand for Tunisian dates continues to rise, it is likely to have a positive impact on the country's agricultural sector and contribute to its economic development.

A notable segment of this growth is attributed to organic date products. Tunisia exported 5,397 tonnes of organic dates, which accounted for 5% of the total date exports by volume. In terms of value, organic dates brought in TND 62.4 million, making up 9.2% of the total export value.

These figures indicate a strong and growing demand for Tunisian dates in international markets. The increase in both volume and value suggests that Tunisia's date export sector is thriving, with organic products playing a significant role in this success.

Overall, the 2023/2024 season has been a period of notable growth for Tunisia's date exports. With the sector showing strong performance metrics, Tunisia continues to solidify its position in the global date market.

Key Takeaways

  • Tunisia's date exports up 14.6% in volume and 19.7% in value in 2023/2024 season.
  • 114,700 tonnes of dates exported, worth TND 717.7 million.
  • Organic date products account for 5% of total exports by volume and 9.2% by value.
  • Tunisia solidifies its position in the global date market with strong export growth.
  • Date exports contribute to Tunisia's economic development and agricultural sector growth.