Fatal Homemade Alcohol in Zambia Claims 10 Lives, Causes Multiple Hospitalizations

At least 10 people have died and others have been hospitalized in different districts of southern Zambia after consuming a suspected locally made alcohol, police said on Friday.

Aqsa Younas Rana
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Fatal Homemade Alcohol in Zambia Claims 10 Lives, Causes Multiple Hospitalizations

Fatal Homemade Alcohol in Zambia Claims 10 Lives, Causes Multiple Hospitalizations

A tragic incident in Zambia's Southern Province has resulted in the deaths of at least 10 people after they consumed a locally made alcohol containing toxic substances. The concoction, which included methylated spirit, water, sugar, and shoe polish, led to severe health issues among the victims.

The fatalities were reported in the districts of Zimba, Pemba, and Namwala. Zimba District recorded 2 deaths and 5 hospitalizations, Pemba had 3 deaths and 4 hospitalizations, and Namwala reported 5 fatalities. The victims experienced severe diarrhea, abdominal pain, and vision problems after ingesting the homemade alcohol.

The locally brewed beer, known as Chijaba in Namwala District, is suspected to be the cause of the fatalities. The incidents occurred on different dates, with the first reported case in Zimba District on Sunday.

Police deputy spokesperson Danny Mwale stated that investigations are ongoing to determine the cause of the incidents and prevent further harm. "Ongoing collaboration between police and health officials to ascertain the cause of these tragic incidents and prevent further harm," Mwale said.

Reports from the public suggest that the number of victims affected might be higher than initially reported. The police are working with health officials to intensify investigations into the matter.

This incident mirrors a recent tragedy in Malawi, where 14 people died after consuming a similar locally brewed beer called 'Ambuye Ntengeni.' In Malawi, five vendors of the illegal beer were fined by the Senior Resident Magistrate Court before the rollout of Excise Tax Stamps by the Malawi Regulatory Authority, aimed at curbing the circulation of harmful products in the market.

The authorities in Zambia are now under pressure to address the situation and prevent further tragedies. The collaboration between police and health officials is crucial in identifying the exact cause and ensuring such incidents do not recur.

As investigations continue, the public is urged to avoid consuming homemade alcohol and report any suspicious activities to the authorities. The tragic deaths and hospitalizations serve as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by unregulated and potentially toxic substances in locally made beverages.

Key Takeaways

  • At least 10 people died in Zambia's Southern Province after consuming toxic homemade alcohol.
  • The concoction included methylated spirit, water, sugar, and shoe polish, causing severe health issues.
  • Fatalities were reported in Zimba, Pemba, and Namwala districts, with victims experiencing diarrhea, abdominal pain, and vision problems.
  • Police and health officials are investigating to determine the cause and prevent further harm.
  • The incident mirrors a similar tragedy in Malawi, highlighting the need for authorities to address the situation and prevent further tragedies.