Two Shooters Open Fire at Panama University, Leaving One Dead and Another Injured

Two gunmen opened fire at the University of Panama's Veraguas campus, killing student Alvaro Leones and wounding another, Anel Terreros.

Nitish Verma
New Update

Two Shooters Open Fire at Panama University, Leaving One Dead and Another Injured

Two unidentified gunmen opened fire at a rural branch of the University of Panama on Friday, resulting in the death of a young man and the wounding of another. The incident occurred at the university's Veraguas regional college, located approximately 155 miles (250 km) west of the capital, Panama City.

The attack took place as a group of first-year agricultural science students were gathered on the college grounds to work on a project. According to college director Pedro Samaniego, the assailants arrived in a vehicle, stopped, and then exited the car, immediately opening fire on the unsuspecting students.

"A vehicle stopped and two people got out, firing shots at a group of people who were on campus," said Veraguas police chief Hector Delgado in a video message. The sudden and brutal attack left Alvaro Leones mortally wounded, while another student, Anel Terreros, sustained injuries and was rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment.

Why It Matters: Shootings at educational institutions in Panama are exceedingly rare, making this incident particularly alarming. The University of Panama, like many educational institutions, is considered a safe haven for students to pursue their academic goals. This attack not only shatters that sense of security but also raises concerns about the safety measures in place at such institutions.

The university community is in mourning, and the incident has prompted a strong response from both the university administration and local authorities. An investigation has been launched to identify and apprehend the perpetrators, but as of now, no arrests have been made. A police source, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed that the investigation is ongoing.

In response to the tragedy, the University of Panama has suspended all administrative work and classes. The university issued a statement condemning the violence and expressing deep condolences to the friends and family of the deceased student, Alvaro Leones. "Leones was an outstanding member of our university community," said university President Eduardo Flores. "His tragic departure represents an irreparable loss for our institution."

The university's swift action to suspend activities underscores the gravity of the situation and the need for a thorough investigation to ensure the safety of all students and staff. The incident has also sparked a broader conversation about campus security and the measures that need to be implemented to prevent such tragedies in the future.

The local community has been left in shock and grief. Students, faculty, and residents of Veraguas have come together to support each other during this difficult time. Vigils and memorials are being organized to honor the memory of Alvaro Leones, whose life was tragically cut short.

The university has also provided counseling services to help students and staff cope with the emotional aftermath of the shooting. "We are committed to supporting our community through this tragedy," said President Flores. "Our priority is the well-being of our students and staff."

As the investigation continues, the university and local authorities are urging anyone with information about the shooters to come forward. The hope is that swift justice will be served, and measures will be put in place to prevent such a senseless act of violence from occurring again.

Key Takeaways

  • Two gunmen opened fire at the University of Panama's Veraguas campus, killing one student and wounding another.
  • Alvaro Leones was fatally shot, and Anel Terreros was injured and hospitalized.
  • Shootings at Panamanian educational institutions are extremely rare, heightening the shock and concern.
  • The University of Panama suspended classes and administrative work, condemning the violence and mourning the loss.
  • Authorities have launched an investigation to identify and apprehend the shooters, with no arrests made yet.