Kosovo's Prime Minister Albin Kurti Engages Turkish Diaspora in Zeytinburnu to Boost Economic and Security Cooperation

Kosovo's Prime Minister Albin Kurti met with the Turkish diaspora community to strengthen economic and security ties between Kosovo and Turkey. Kurti will participate in the first Kosovo-Turkey economic forum to deepen economic cooperation and attract foreign investments.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Kosovo's Prime Minister Albin Kurti Engages Turkish Diaspora in Zeytinburnu to Boost Economic and Security Cooperation

Kosovo's Prime Minister Albin Kurti Engages Turkish Diaspora in Zeytinburnu to Boost Economic and Security Cooperation

Kosovo's Prime Minister Albin Kurti recently met with the Turkish diaspora community in Zeytinburnu, Turkey, aiming to strengthen economic and security ties between Kosovo and Turkey. The meeting was held at the Cultural Center in Zeytinburnu, where Kurti addressed the Kosovo emigrant community, urging them to invest in their homeland.

Kurti emphasized the importance of the diaspora's involvement in Kosovo's development, stating, "Dear compatriots, we are interested in you coming to Kosovo as often as possible, the airlines are daily from several cities, but we do not ask you to come and sacrifice to contribute, but to invest to win. All of you who are entrepreneurs, a branch of your business, come and take it to Kosovo."

The Prime Minister's visit is part of a broader initiative to advance cooperation in economy and security between Kosovo and Turkey. Tomorrow, Kurti will participate in the first economic forum of Kosovo-Turkey businesses, an event designed to deepen economic cooperation, increase trade exchanges, and attract foreign investments.

In a related event, Kurti met with Albanian businessmen of Albanian descent operating in Turkey. During this meeting, held in Istanbul, he expressed his appreciation for their warm hospitality and acknowledged their significant role in promoting cooperation between Kosovo and Turkey. Kurti highlighted their continuous contributions to their homeland as exiles.

Strengthening economic and security ties between Kosovo and Turkey can have a significant impact on regional stability and development. This cooperation can lead to increased trade, investment, and job creation, benefiting the people of both countries in the long run.

Kurti's engagement with the diaspora community is seen as a strategic move to leverage the resources and networks of Kosovars living abroad. By encouraging investments and business expansions into Kosovo, the Prime Minister aims to boost the country's economic growth and enhance its security framework through strengthened bilateral ties with Turkey.

The meetings in Zeytinburnu and Istanbul highlight the importance of the diaspora in Kosovo's development strategy. As Kosovo continues to build its international relationships, the involvement of its emigrant community remains a vital component in achieving sustainable economic and security advancements.

Prime Minister Albin Kurti's visit to Turkey highlights the ongoing efforts to promote cooperation between Kosovo and Turkey, particularly in the realms of economy and security. By engaging with the diaspora and participating in economic forums, Kurti aims to create a robust foundation for future collaborations.

Key Takeaways

  • Kosovo's PM Albin Kurti met with Turkish diaspora to strengthen economic and security ties.
  • Kurti urged Kosovo emigrants to invest in their homeland, promoting economic growth.
  • The PM participated in the first Kosovo-Turkey economic forum to deepen cooperation.
  • Strengthening ties with Turkey can boost trade, investment, and job creation in Kosovo.
  • Kurti's engagement with the diaspora aims to leverage their resources for Kosovo's development.