President Luis Arce Reaffirms 'Marcha al Norte' Project to Boost Oil and Chicken Production

President Luis Arce reaffirms commitment to "Marcha al Norte" project, aiming to produce oil and chicken in La Paz's Abel Iturralde province. The project seeks to reduce La Paz's dependence on other departments and strengthen the local economy.

Nimrah Khatoon
New Update
President Luis Arce Reaffirms 'Marcha al Norte' Project to Boost Oil and Chicken Production

President Luis Arce Reaffirms 'Marcha al Norte' Project to Boost Oil and Chicken Production

In a speech delivered at the peasant congress in El Alto on June 2, 2024, President Luis Arce reiterated his government's commitment to the 'Marcha al Norte' project. This initiative aims to produce large quantities of oil and chicken in La Paz's Abel Iturralde province, reducing the region's dependence on other departments and strengthening the local economy.

The 'Marcha al Norte' project has significant implications for Bolivia's economy and food security, as it aims to reduce the country's reliance on other regions for vital products. If successful, the project could lead to increased self-sufficiency and economic growth in La Paz and surrounding areas.

Arce emphasized the strategic importance of La Paz in his government's plans, stating, *'La Paz se ha constituido para el gobierno, no solo en un bastión, sino también en una estrategia clara, que es la Marcha al Norte para mejorar la producción agropecuaria.' * He underscored the potential for La Paz to become self-sufficient in vital products, highlighting the capacity of the region to produce its own oil and chicken.

The 'Marcha al Norte' project is designed to address the current dependence of La Paz on other departments for agricultural products. In 2015, La Paz consumed 183,018 tons of agricultural products annually, primarily sourced from Santa Cruz. This reliance was highlighted during a 16-day blockade earlier this year, when the government had to transport nearly 100,000 units of chicken to La Paz and El Alto to prevent shortages.

Arce's speech at the congress, attended by thousands of leaders and delegates from the Federación Sindical Única de Trabajadores Campesinos 'Tupac Katari,' also focused on the broader goals of his administration. He stressed the importance of consolidating the Plurinational State of Bolivia and improving agricultural production in rural areas.

The 'Marcha al Norte' project is expected to generate employment and income for rural provinces and municipalities in La Paz. By advancing the industrialization process in these areas, the government aims to create more state-owned enterprises and reduce the economic burden on the region. However, this approach has faced criticism from opposition lawmakers, who argue that many state-owned firms are currently bankrupt.

In his speech, Arce passionately called for local production, saying, 'Que los paceños podamos tener nuestro propio aceite, aceite paceño; que tengamos nuestro propio pollo paceño. No tenemos por qué estar comprando a otros departamentos. Aquí tenemos la capacidad de producir, de comprar, de producir, hermanas, hermanos.' This vision reflects his administration's focus on self-sufficiency and economic resilience.

The 'Marcha al Norte' project's progress will be accompanied by close monitoring of its impact on the local economy and agricultural production in La Paz. The initiative represents a significant step towards achieving self-sufficiency in basic products and reducing the region's reliance on other departments.

President Arce's reaffirmation of the 'Marcha al Norte' project highlights his administration's commitment to strengthening La Paz's agricultural sector and enhancing the region's economic stability. By focusing on local production and industrialization, the government aims to create a more self-reliant and prosperous future for the people of La Paz.

Key Takeaways

  • Bolivian President Luis Arce reaffirms commitment to "Marcha al Norte" project.
  • The project aims to produce oil and chicken in La Paz's Abel Iturralde province.
  • Goal is to reduce La Paz's dependence on other departments and strengthen local economy.
  • Project expected to generate employment and income for rural provinces and municipalities.
  • Aims to achieve self-sufficiency in basic products and enhance economic stability.