Afghan Father of 52 Faces Dire Economic Struggles in Uruzgan

Mohammad Sadiq, a 56-year-old Afghan man, struggles to provide for his 52 children amidst severe economic hardship. Local officials have pledged to provide food assistance and facilitate education for his children.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update
Afghan Father of 52 Faces Dire Economic Struggles in Uruzgan

Afghan Father of 52 Faces Dire Economic Struggles in Uruzgan

Mohammad Sadiq, a 56-year-old man from Uruzgan province, Afghanistan, is struggling to cope with severe economic hardship as he strives to provide for his 52 children. Living in a small rented house in the Kareez Kheiro area of Tarinkot, the capital of Uruzgan, Sadiq's family, including his four wives, faces a daily struggle to meet basic needs.

Sadiq's family consists of 28 sons and 24 daughters, with only four of his daughters married. His first marriage took place during the Mujahideen era, followed by two more during the previous Taliban regime, and his fourth marriage during the Republic. The family’s living conditions are dire, with the children subsisting on half a piece of bread at lunch and dinner, and nothing for breakfast.

The gravity of their situation is evident from Sadiq himself: *"Our living situation is very bad. They eat half a piece of bread at lunch and half a piece of bread at night, with nothing for breakfast. "* His daughter, Waresa, echoed this sentiment, stating, *"We have nothing, we only eat dry bread. We even eat dry, stale bread from the previous night. "*

Hafizullah, Sadiq’s 19-year-old son, works at a bakery in Tarinkot for a salary of 6,000 Afghanis. Despite his contribution, the family’s needs far exceed this income. Hafizullah expressed a desire for education, saying, "Those who went to school and got an education, if they show us the way to education and teach us, we would be happy."

Why this matters: This story highlights the severe economic challenges faced by large families in Afghanistan, particularly in provinces like Uruzgan. If left unaddressed, these challenges can lead to increased poverty, malnutrition, and lack of access to education, perpetuating a cycle of disadvantage.

Local officials have taken note of the family's plight. Mawladad Hassan, head of the Uruzgan economy, has pledged to provide food assistance and facilitate education for Sadiq's children. Efforts are underway to collaborate with UNICEF to establish a class for the children.

Despite the harsh realities, Sadiq remains hopeful for the future. He dreams of improving his economic situation and increasing the number of his children to over one hundred.

Sadiq's story highlights the severe economic challenges faced by large families in Afghanistan, particularly in provinces like Uruzgan. The commitment of local officials to address these issues offers a glimmer of hope, but the road ahead remains daunting.

Key Takeaways

  • Mohammad Sadiq, 56, struggles to provide for his 52 children in Afghanistan.
  • The family of 56 lives in poverty, with children eating only half a piece of bread per meal.
  • Sadiq's 19-year-old son works at a bakery, but his income is insufficient to meet the family's needs.
  • Local officials have pledged to provide food assistance and facilitate education for the children.
  • Sadiq hopes to improve his economic situation and have over 100 children in the future.