Nepal Forms Committee to Investigate Tribhuvan University's Properties in Kathmandu Valley

Nepalese government forms committee to investigate and manage Tribhuvan University's properties, including land and buildings. Committee aims to conduct thorough study, research, and cost assessment to ensure optimal utilization and resolve discrepancies.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update
Nepal Forms Committee to Investigate Tribhuvan University's Properties in Kathmandu Valley

Nepal Forms Committee to Investigate Tribhuvan University's Properties in Kathmandu Valley

The Nepalese government has initiated a significant move by forming a committee to investigate and manage the properties of Tribhuvan University, including land and buildings within the Kathmandu Valley. This committee, led by former Secretary Sharada Prasad Trital, aims to conduct a thorough study, research, evaluation, and cost assessment of these assets.

The effective management of Tribhuvan University's properties is vital for the development of Nepal's education sector and has implications for the country's economic growth. The committee's findings and recommendations could lead to improved asset utilization, better governance, and enhanced educational outcomes.

The decision to form this committee was announced by government spokesperson Rekha Sharma during a press conference held at Singha Durbar. The committee's primary objective is to address various issues related to the university's assets and management, ensuring their optimal utilization and resolving any existing discrepancies. The government's move is seen as a step towards good governance.

Tribhuvan University, the oldest and largest university in Nepal, holds significant land and property within the Kathmandu Valley. The evaluation of these assets is vital for the university's future development and asset management. The committee will focus on assessing the current state of the properties, identifying any mismanagement, and proposing recommendations for their effective use, which will have a positive impact on the education sector.

In addition to the committee's formation, the government has authorized the Ministry of Industry to sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) regarding seismic research collaboration between Nepal and China. This move highlights the government's commitment to addressing broader infrastructural and environmental concerns in the region.

In addition, the government has appointed Tribhuvan University's Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr. Kesharjang Baral as a member of the University Grants Commission. This appointment is expected to enhance the university's governance and ensure better coordination with national educational policies.

The formation of the committee led by Sharada Prasad Trital marks a significant step in the government's efforts to streamline the management of Tribhuvan University's properties. The findings and recommendations from this committee will play a vital role in shaping the university's future and ensuring that its assets are utilized effectively for educational and developmental purposes, which will have a positive impact on the economic growth.

Key Takeaways

  • Nepalese government forms committee to investigate and manage Tribhuvan University's properties.
  • Committee aims to conduct thorough study, research, and cost assessment of university assets.
  • Effective management of properties vital for Nepal's education sector and economic growth.
  • Committee's findings and recommendations to improve asset utilization, governance, and educational outcomes.
  • Government's move seen as step towards good governance and better educational policies.