Nevada Approves Henderson and North Las Vegas as Charter School Authorizers

Nevada Department of Education approves Henderson and North Las Vegas as charter school authorizers, allowing them to sponsor and oversee charter schools within their boundaries. The cities will be able to open new charter schools and oversee existing ones, with enrollment capped at 7% of traditional public school district students.

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Nevada Approves Henderson and North Las Vegas as Charter School Authorizers

Nevada Approves Henderson and North Las Vegas as Charter School Authorizers

In a landmark decision, the Nevada Department of Education has approved the cities of Henderson and North Las Vegas to become charter school authorizers. This move allows the cities to sponsor and oversee charter schools within their boundaries, significantly altering the charter school environment in Nevada.

Previously, charter schools in Nevada could only be sponsored by the State Public Charter School Authority (SPCSA), school districts, or colleges. However, the passage of Governor Joe Lombardo's omnibus education bill, Assembly Bill 400, has granted cities and counties the ability to sponsor charter schools.

The approval means that Henderson and North Las Vegas can sponsor new charter schools and oversee existing ones within their city limits. The total enrollment for each municipal authorizer will be capped at 7% of the number of student residents enrolled by the zoned traditional public school district. Henderson Mayor Michelle Romero estimates that the city will be able to open up to four small schools, stating, "We'd love to increase that."

This decision has significant implications for the education system in Nevada, allowing for more school choice and community engagement. It may lead to an increase in charter schools, potentially altering the educational environment and affecting the lives of thousands of students and families.

North Las Vegas Director of Community Services and Engagement Wilson Ramos mentioned that the city does not yet have an estimate for how many students it will be capped at enrolling. Both cities expect to sponsor new charter schools that will open for the 2025-26 academic year.

The municipal authorizers will also have the ability to incorporate existing charter schools that are sponsored by other authorizers. Enrollment numbers at these transferred schools will not count toward the municipal authorizer's 7% cap. Currently, there are 18 SPCSA-sponsored charter schools located within Henderson.

City officials highlighted the benefits of this new role, including connecting charter schools with other resources to help students beyond the classroom. Henderson Mayor Michelle Romero emphasized the city's readiness to meet residents' demands for more school choices, saying, "Residents in Henderson have been asking over and over again for more choice, more availability of schools that meet their needs."

North Las Vegas Mayor Pamela Goynes Brown echoed similar sentiments, stating, "This initiative is not just about schools, it's about our entire community." The city plans to ensure students receive necessary services and stabilization needs at home, such as access to food, clothing, and other vital resources.

The approval comes in the context of the Clark County School District's decision to move away from charter schools. The district has approved a request to withdraw as a charter school sponsor effective June 30, 2026. This decision affects six charter schools, including two in North Las Vegas.

Moving forward, Henderson and North Las Vegas will need to create boards to manage and review charter school applications. The cities will also seek public input to understand residents' preferences for city-sponsored charter schools.

The Nevada Department of Education's approval of Henderson and North Las Vegas as charter school authorizers marks a significant shift in the state's educational environment, providing new opportunities for school choice and community engagement.

Key Takeaways

  • Nevada approves Henderson and North Las Vegas as charter school authorizers.
  • Cities can sponsor new charter schools and oversee existing ones within their boundaries.
  • Total enrollment capped at 7% of zoned traditional public school district students.
  • Cities expect to open new charter schools for the 2025-26 academic year.
  • Municipal authorizers can incorporate existing charter schools, exempt from 7% cap.