Susana Gramilho Unveils Children's Book to Foster Island Connections

Susana Gramilho, Honorary Consul of Cabo Verde in Madeira, launches a 23-page children's book to promote Macaronésia and strengthen island bonds. The book aims to educate children about the ecological region and its unique biodiversity.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Susana Gramilho Unveils Children's Book to Foster Island Connections

Susana Gramilho Unveils Children's Book to Foster Island Connections

On May 31, in Praia, Cabo Verde, Susana Gramilho, the Honorary Consul of Cabo Verde in Madeira, launched a 23-page children's book titled "A Macaronésia trocada por miúdos." The book aims to promote Macaronésia and strengthen the bonds between the islands.

Gramilho, who is also a teacher and president of the Association for the Promotion of Macaronésia in Madeira, has been developing the idea for the book over the past year. She expressed her motivation, saying, "A ideia para este livro surgiu de uma junção de ideias e circunstâncias. Já tem cerca de um ano que comecei a amadurecer a ideia, refletindo sobre os textos e outros detalhes."

The book, initially printed in 150 copies, is designed to engage children with the concept of Macaronésia, an ecological region in the North Atlantic Ocean that includes the archipelagos of Cabo Verde, Madeira, the Azores, and the Canary Islands. Gramilho emphasized the importance of targeting young readers, stating, "Sou professora do primeiro ciclo, e acredito que as crianças são um foco importante onde devemos depositar as sementes daquilo que queremos que cresça para o futuro."

This initiative promotes environmental education and preservation, which is vital for the future of our planet. Strengthening connections between islands can also lead to increased economic cooperation and cultural exchange, benefiting the region as a whole.

The launch event was also an opportunity to highlight the unique biodiversity of Macaronésia. Writer Natacha Magalhães, who presented the book, noted, "A Macaronésia é um refúgio da biodiversidade. Realmente, com as espécies vivas que existem nesses quatro arquipélagos, de facto estamos em presença de uma espécie de um santuário que precisamos realmente de preservar."

Gramilho's efforts extend beyond the book. She is actively working to attract investment from Madeira to Cabo Verde and to establish a direct air link between the regions. She also supports the expansion of the activities of the Grupo Sousa, which already operates maritime connections. "As relações estão de boa saúde, mas há muito por fazer. Estou empenhada em captar investimento da Madeira para Cabo Verde e criar uma linha aérea direta entre as regiões. Também apoio a expansão das atividades do Grupo Sousa, que já opera conexões marítimas."

The book, published by Sétima Dimensão with the support of the Funchal City Council, features illustrations by artists from Sétima Dimensão, coordinated by Roberto Macedo Alves. It includes a foreword by Eduardo Jesus, Secretary of Regional Tourism and Culture of the Autonomous Region of Madeira.

Gramilho's initiative coincides with the upcoming World Environment Day on June 5, emphasizing the importance of environmental education and preservation. The book is not only a tool to educate children about Macaronésia but also a step towards building stronger regional ties.

Notably, Susana Gramilho's launch of "A Macaronésia trocada por miúdos" in Praia, Cabo Verde, marks a significant effort to promote Macaronésia and its unique biodiversity to the younger generation while strengthening connections between the islands.

Key Takeaways

  • Susana Gramilho launches children's book "A Macaronésia trocada por miúdos" in Praia, Cabo Verde.
  • The 23-page book aims to promote Macaronésia and strengthen island bonds.
  • It targets young readers to educate them on environmental education and preservation.
  • The book highlights Macaronésia's unique biodiversity and promotes regional cooperation.
  • The initiative coincides with World Environment Day, emphasizing environmental education.