Putin and Mirziyoyev Sign Over 20 Agreements, Strengthening Russia-Uzbekistan Ties

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Uzbekistan's President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed over 20 agreements, including a deal for Russia to build a nuclear power plant in Uzbekistan. The agreements cover energy, trade, industrial cooperation, and cultural exchange, strengthening bilateral ties between the two nations.

Bijay Laxmi
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Putin and Mirziyoyev Sign Over 20 Agreements, Strengthening Russia-Uzbekistan Ties

Putin and Mirziyoyev Sign Over 20 Agreements, Strengthening Russia-Uzbekistan Ties

During a state visit to Uzbekistan on May 27, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Uzbekistan's President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed over 20 agreements, marking a significant step in strengthening the bilateral ties between the two nations. The agreements span various sectors, including energy, trade, industrial cooperation, and cultural exchange.

Among the key agreements is the construction of a small nuclear power plant in Uzbekistan, the first such project in post-Soviet Central Asia. Russian state nuclear firm Rosatom will be responsible for the project, which will consist of up to six nuclear reactors with a capacity of 55 megawatts each. This marks a scaled-down version from the original plan agreed upon in 2017.

Energy cooperation was another focal point of the agreements. Uzbekistan will increase its imports of Russian oil and gas, reversing a decades-long practice where Moscow imported hydrocarbons from Central Asia. Putin noted that gas exports to Uzbekistan are currently ahead of schedule and expressed readiness to increase the volume if needed. Mirziyoyev also emphasized the importance of nuclear energy, stating that "nearly all the leading countries of the world ensure their energy security and sustainable development with the help of nuclear energy."

Why this matters: The strengthening of ties between Russia and Uzbekistan has significant implications for regional politics and energy security. This partnership could lead to increased economic cooperation and influence in Central Asia, potentially shifting the balance of power in the region.

The two leaders also announced large projects in mining, metals, and chemicals. These projects are expected to boost the economic cooperation between the two nations, with new industrial cooperation projects worth over $20 billion developed in various sectors, including energy, metallurgy, petrochemicals, mechanical engineering, mining, agriculture, logistics, pharmaceuticals, and artificial intelligence.

Cultural cooperation was another significant aspect of the agreements. The two nations have been expanding their cultural and humanitarian exchanges, reaching a new level of interaction in recent years. Over 30 events of the Russian Seasons project were successfully held in Uzbekistan in 2023, featuring educational master classes, film screenings, theater performances, and exhibitions.

The visit also highlighted the growing cooperation between the regions of Uzbekistan and Russia. All regional leaders from Uzbekistan visited Russia last week, and on May 27, the first meeting of the Council of Regions of Uzbekistan and Russia took place under the chairmanship of Presidents Mirziyoyev and Putin. This council aims to enhance regional cooperation and promote active exchanges in culture, art, science, healthcare, tourism, youth, and sports.

To recap, the agreements signed during Putin's visit to Uzbekistan highlight the deepening ties between the two nations across various sectors. With a focus on energy, trade, industrial cooperation, and cultural exchange, these agreements set the stage for a strengthened and comprehensive strategic partnership.

Key Takeaways

  • Russia and Uzbekistan sign over 20 agreements, strengthening bilateral ties.
  • Russia to build Central Asia's first nuclear power plant in Uzbekistan.
  • Uzbekistan to increase imports of Russian oil and gas, reversing decades-long practice.
  • New industrial cooperation projects worth over $20 billion in various sectors.
  • Cultural cooperation expands with Russian Seasons project and Council of Regions.