Bahrain Seeks to Restore Diplomatic Relations with Iran Amid Regional Tensions

Bahrain's King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa expressed interest in resuming diplomatic relations with Iran during a visit to Russia. This development comes despite longstanding tensions and the presence of US-designated Iran-backed terror groups operating in Bahrain.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Bahrain Seeks to Restore Diplomatic Relations with Iran Amid Regional Tensions

Bahrain Seeks to Restore Diplomatic Relations with Iran Amid Regional Tensions

Bahrain's King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa has expressed interest in resuming diplomatic relations with Iran during a visit to Russia on May 23. This development comes despite longstanding tensions between the two nations and the presence of US-designated Iran-backed terror groups operating in Bahrain.

Why this matters: This development has significant implications for regional stability and security, as it may influence the dynamics between Iran and other Gulf Cooperation Council states. The potential consequences of Bahrain's rapprochement with Iran could include a shift in the balance of power in the region, affecting US interests and the security of its allies.

"We had problems with Iran, but not anymore. We see no reason to delay the normalization of relations with it," King Hamad stated during his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow. This statement reflects a significant shift in Bahrain's foreign policy, considering the historical animosity and recent militant activities linked to Iran.

Bahrain has long accused Iran of inciting its majority Shia Muslim population against the Sunni monarchy. The United States has designated two Iran-backed groups, al-Ashtar Brigades and Saraya al-Mukhtar, as Foreign Terrorist Organizations in 2018 and 2020, respectively. These groups have been implicated in various attacks and threats, complicating Bahrain's security situation.

Bahrain's strategic importance to the United States cannot be overstated. The kingdom hosts the US Navy's Fifth Fleet and has been designated both a major non-NATO ally and a "Major Security Partner" of the US. In September 2020, Bahrain joined the Abraham Accords, normalizing relations with Israel alongside the United Arab Emirates. More recently, in September 2023, Bahrain and the US deepened their ties by signing a strategic security and economic agreement.

Saeed Ghasseminejad, Senior Iran and Financial Economics Advisor, notes that Bahrain's rapprochement with Iran signals that US allies in the region feel abandoned and see making concessions to Tehran as their best option. Behnam Ben Taleblu, FDD Senior Fellow, warns that Iran's strategy is to intimidate Gulf Cooperation Council states through proxy forces, followed by calls for de-escalation and engagement. He advises Bahrain to resist this strategy.

On May 2, the Bahrain-based militia Saraya al-Ashtar claimed responsibility for an April 27 drone strike against the southern Israeli city of Eilat. This incident highlights the ongoing threat posed by Iran-backed groups in the region. Saraya al-Ashtar has repeatedly threatened Israel, Zionists, and Jewish people, further complicating Bahrain's geopolitical stance.

Russia has been mediating between Bahrain and Iran to revive diplomatic ties, with interests in stabilizing the West Asia region. Abdulnabi Salman, Deputy Speaker of Bahrain's Council of Representatives, emphasized the importance of resuming political and commercial relations with Iran, citing the historical trade exchanges and shared residency between the two countries.

"The resumption of political and commercial relations between the two countries is important because Iran is a neighboring country and Bahrain supports stable ties with all regional countries," Salman stated. He added that the process of restoring relations has received positive responses from both the Bahraini government and its people.

Bahrain's move to restore diplomatic relations with Iran marks a significant shift in the region's political dynamics. As Bahrain enters this new chapter, the implications for regional stability and security remain closely watched by international observers.

Key Takeaways

  • Bahrain's King Hamad expresses interest in resuming diplomatic relations with Iran.
  • This move could shift the balance of power in the region, affecting US interests and allies.
  • Bahrain accuses Iran of inciting its Shia population against the Sunni monarchy.
  • US-designated Iran-backed groups operate in Bahrain, threatening regional security.
  • Russia is mediating between Bahrain and Iran to revive diplomatic ties.