Belgium Calls for Suspension of Hungary's EU Voting Rights Amid Presidency Concerns

Belgium's Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib urges the EU to suspend Hungary's voting rights under Article 7 due to its obstructionist tactics. Hungary is set to take over the EU presidency in July, raising concerns about its influence on the EU agenda.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Belgium Calls for Suspension of Hungary's EU Voting Rights Amid Presidency Concerns

Belgium Calls for Suspension of Hungary's EU Voting Rights Amid Presidency Concerns

Belgium's Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib has urged the European Union to suspend Hungary's voting rights under Article 7 of the EU treaty. This call comes despite Belgium's support for Hungary's upcoming EU presidency, highlighting the need for the EU to take decisive action against Hungary's obstructionist tactics.

Lahbib's call is rooted in Hungary's actions that have repeatedly blocked EU decisions on critical issues, including military aid to Ukraine and sanctions against Russia. Hungary is set to take over the EU presidency in July, raising concerns about its influence on the EU agenda during a pivotal period.

"We have a Europe that is making difficult headway, with unfortunately some states — one state in particular — increasingly adopting a transactional, blocking and veto attitude," said Lahbib, emphasizing the need for political courage and willpower to address the issue.

The Article 7 procedure against Hungary was initiated in 2018, but the process has stalled. This mechanism, often referred to be the 'nuclear option,' allows for the suspension of a member state's voting rights if it is found to be in breach of the EU's fundamental values, including democracy, the rule of law, and human rights.

Why this matters: The suspension of Hungary's voting rights has significant implications for the European Union's ability to make decisions on critical issues, such as military aid to Ukraine and sanctions against Russia. If Hungary's obstructionist tactics are not addressed, it could lead to a breakdown in EU decision-making and undermine the bloc's ability to respond to global challenges.

Belgium's stance is shared by other EU countries, which are exploring ways to circumvent Hungary's veto power on important decisions. Some leaders have even suggested assigning Hungary a weak portfolio in the next European Commission to limit its influence.

Hungary's Permanent Representation to the EU responded to the call for suspension, stating, "Hungary's main concern now is to keep the EU out of the war in our neighbourhood. If war reaches the EU, then Article 7 will be the least of our problems." This highlights Hungary's position of prioritizing its own national interests over collective EU decisions.

The EU's frustration with Hungary has been growing, particularly as Hungary has used its veto rights to block aid for Ukraine and align itself more closely with Moscow and Beijing. This defiance has led to billions of euros in EU funds being frozen, with the European Commission attempting to enforce judicial reforms in Hungary.

Diplomats warn that triggering Article 7 could have significant consequences, including increasing Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's popularity, reducing pro-EU sentiment in Hungary, and pushing Budapest further towards Moscow and Beijing. The EU's reluctance to escalate the standoff is partly informed by the lessons from the 2000 diplomatic sanctions against Austria, which were quickly reversed because of rising anti-EU sentiment.

The EU prepares for significant decisions on top jobs, Ukraine aid, and enlargement at the upcoming European Council meeting, with the call to suspend Hungary's voting rights highlighting the urgency of addressing the country's defiance. Lahbib's push for bold action reflects a broader sentiment among EU leaders that maintaining the bloc's integrity and values requires confronting Hungary's obstructionist behavior head-on.

"This is a moment of truth," Lahbib stated. "Either we face up to our responsibilities, which requires political courage and willpower. Or we put in place mechanisms that don’t work. And so we have to choose."

Key Takeaways

  • Belgium's FM urges EU to suspend Hungary's voting rights under Article 7 due to obstructionist tactics.
  • Hungary's actions have blocked EU decisions on Ukraine aid and Russia sanctions.
  • Suspension of voting rights could impact EU's ability to make critical decisions.
  • EU countries are exploring ways to circumvent Hungary's veto power on key issues.
  • Triggering Article 7 could have significant consequences, including increased anti-EU sentiment in Hungary.