Falkland Islands MLA Teslyn Barkman Visits Trinidad and Tobago to Discuss Climate Change and Economic Diversification

Falkland Islands MLA Teslyn Barkman visited Trinidad and Tobago to strengthen ties and discuss mutual interests, including climate change and sustainable economic diversification. She held bilateral meetings with government officials and toured energy and agriculture facilities to explore opportunities for cooperation.

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Falkland Islands MLA Teslyn Barkman Visits Trinidad and Tobago to Discuss Climate Change and Economic Diversification

Falkland Islands MLA Teslyn Barkman Visits Trinidad and Tobago to Discuss Climate Change and Economic Diversification

From May 22-23, Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) Teslyn Barkman of the Falkland Islands made an official visit to Trinidad and Tobago. The purpose of the visit was to strengthen ties between the two nations and discuss mutual interests, including climate change and sustainable economic diversification.

During her visit, MLA Barkman held bilateral meetings with key government officials, including Ms. Reita Toussaint, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs, and Avinash Singh, Minister in the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries. These discussions focused on areas of mutual interest, particularly in addressing climate change and exploring opportunities for sustainable economic growth.

MLA Barkman also met with the British High Commissioner to Trinidad and Tobago, Her Excellency Harriet Cross, who accompanied her during the visit. Together, they engaged with key energy partners in Port of Spain to discuss energy initiatives and toured the Ministry of Agriculture's Aquaculture Unit to learn about the development of the fisheries and aquaculture sectors.

In addition, MLA Barkman held a meeting with Tourism Trinidad to discuss the nation's tourism strategy and marketing initiatives. She shared valuable insights from the Falkland Islands' experiences in business and tourism, highlighting the potential for collaboration between the two nations.

Why this matters: This meeting between the Falkland Islands and Trinidad and Tobago highlights the growing importance of international cooperation in addressing global challenges like climate change. As small island nations work together to develop sustainable economies, their efforts could have a significant impact on the environment and the global economy.

Reflecting on the visit, MLA Barkman stated, "This opportune visit has unlocked the potential for a deeper relationship. Exchanges over these two days have highlighted challenges and goals that both of our Governments share. This is especially apparent in regard to climate change, and in developing sustainable economic diversification for our peoples."

MLA Barkman's visit to Trinidad and Tobago was part of a series of visits to Caribbean nations, following her presentation at the Regional Seminar of the Decolonization Committee held mid-May in Venezuela. The main C24 meeting is scheduled to take place in New York in June.

This visit marks an important step in strengthening ties between the Falkland Islands and Trinidad and Tobago, with a focus on addressing common challenges and promoting mutual understanding and cooperation.

Key Takeaways

  • Falkland Islands MLA Teslyn Barkman visits Trinidad and Tobago to strengthen ties.
  • Discussions focus on climate change, sustainable economic diversification, and mutual interests.
  • Meetings held with government officials, British High Commissioner, and energy partners.
  • Visit aims to promote cooperation and mutual understanding between the two nations.
  • Part of a series of visits to Caribbean nations to address global challenges.