GCC News Agencies Convene Virtually to Enhance Cooperation

GCC news agencies' 23rd meeting, hosted by Qatar News Agency, aimed to strengthen ties and combat fake news. The meeting approved exchange visits and a joint news application project among GCC agencies.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
GCC News Agencies Convene Virtually to Enhance Cooperation

GCC News Agencies Convene Virtually to Enhance Cooperation

The heads of news agencies from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries gathered virtually on Monday for their 23rd meeting, hosted by the Qatar News Agency (QNA) and chaired by its Director-General, H E Ahmed bin Saeed Al Rumaihi. The meeting aimed to strengthen ties and collaboration among the GCC news agencies across various media domains.

Why this matters: The cooperation and integration of GCC news agencies can significantly impact the dissemination of accurate information and combat the spread of fake news in the region. This enhanced collaboration can also contribute to a more unified and influential government media presence for the GCC countries on the global stage.

In his opening remarks, H E Al Rumaihi emphasized the pivotal role of the unwavering support from the heads of GCC states in enabling the news agencies to achieve significant milestones throughout their history. He also highlighted the challenges posed by the rapid transformations in communication and social media platforms, which have greatly impacted the production, distribution, and amp consumption of news content.

The meeting addressed several key topics, including the growing threat of fake news and strategies to combat it, a proposed program for personnel exchanges among regional news agencies, and the implementation of decisions made during the 26th gathering of GCC Ministers of Media. The attendees also discussed the need for more training courses and workshops for media professionals, reviewed a report on misleading and false news reports, and explored plans for an upcoming photography exhibition.

As part of its contribution to the meeting, QNA presented its proposed model for a joint news application project among the GCC news agencies. The innovative application aims to provide citizens of GCC states and followers worldwide with direct access to official news from the region's agencies, live streams of Gulf radio and TV channels, photo and video archives, and social media networks of the participating news organizations.

The meeting concluded with the approval of a program for exchange visits between editors, photographers, and technicians across the GCC region, as well as an expression of support for the Bahrain News Agency's coverage of the upcoming 33rd Arab Summit on Thursday. By fostering greater cooperation and integration among the GCC news agencies, the 23rd meeting of their heads aimed to address the evolving challenges and opportunities within the region's dynamic media landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • 23rd meeting of GCC news agencies' heads held virtually, hosted by Qatar News Agency.
  • Aim: Strengthen ties, combat fake news, and enhance GCC media presence globally.
  • Discussions: Fake news, personnel exchanges, training courses, and joint news app project.
  • Agreements: Exchange visits, support for Bahrain News Agency's Arab Summit coverage.
  • Goal: Foster cooperation, address evolving media challenges in GCC region.