Israeli Professor Criticizes Norway's Policies, Calls for Constructive Dialogue

Professor Gerald Steinberg, President of NGO Monitor, criticizes Norway's policies and statements on Israel, accusing them of demonizing Israel and empowering Hamas. Steinberg urges Norway to adopt a more balanced approach and engage in constructive dialogue to repair relations between Israeli and Norwegian citizens.

Nimrah Khatoon
New Update
Israeli Professor Criticizes Norway's Policies, Calls for Constructive Dialogue

Israeli Professor Criticizes Norway's Policies, Calls for Constructive Dialogue

Professor Gerald Steinberg, President of NGO Monitor, has expressed deep concern over Norway's recent policies and statements regarding Israel. In an open letter to Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs Barth Eide, Steinberg accused Norway of demonizing Israel and empowering Hamas, urging a move towards constructive dialogue to repair relations between Israeli and Norwegian citizens.

Steinberg criticized Norway's silence in the face of Hamas' brutality, including the October 7 pogrom and slaughter, and its failure to demand accountability from Hamas and its supporters. He argued that Norway's support for the International Criminal Court's indictment of Israeli leaders and its recognition of a theoretical Palestinian state were counterproductive, serving to empower Hamas and its allies.

In his letter, Steinberg also condemned Norway's harsh condemnations of Israel's responses in Gaza, which he claims are based on false accusations of war crimes. He pointed out that Norway has failed to acknowledge Hamas's use of human shields and underground terror infrastructure. Steinberg emphasized that Norway's unlimited support for UNRWA perpetuates the conflict by promoting myths of perpetual Palestinian refugee victimhood and return, implying the elimination of Israel.

Steinberg's concerns come at a time when Norway, along with Ireland and Spain, has announced plans to recognize a Palestinian state. This move has prompted a harsh response from Israeli authorities, who summoned the countries' ambassadors to Tel Aviv. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz accused these countries of undermining Israeli sovereignty and endangering its security.

Steinberg called for a realistic approach to the region's traumas and complexities and urged Norway to recognize the need for constructive dialogue. He emphasized that political leaders should be guided by the principle of 'do no harm' and engage in dialogue rather than spreading false accusations and blood libels used to demonize Israelis.

The letter reflects a broader concern over the shift in Norway's policies, which Steinberg believes have moved away from a constructive approach to one of demonization. He urged a return to the constructive dialogue that previously characterized relations between Israeli and Norwegian citizens, as seen in this article.

As tensions continue to rise, the call for dialogue and a more balanced approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains essential. Steinberg's appeal highlights the need for political leaders to acknowledge the complex realities on the ground and work towards a more nuanced and constructive engagement, as discussed in this article.

Key Takeaways

  • Professor Gerald Steinberg criticizes Norway's policies towards Israel, accusing it of demonizing Israel and empowering Hamas.
  • Norway's silence on Hamas' brutality and support for ICC indictment of Israeli leaders are counterproductive, says Steinberg.
  • Steinberg condemns Norway's harsh criticism of Israel's Gaza responses, citing false war crime accusations and ignoring Hamas' human shields.
  • Norway's recognition of a Palestinian state and unlimited support for UNRWA perpetuate the conflict, Steinberg argues.
  • Steinberg calls for constructive dialogue and a balanced approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, urging Norway to recognize the need for change.