ALIMA and AMCP-SP Provide Lifesaving Care to IDPs in Mali Amid Worsening Crisis

ALIMA and AMCP-SP provide critical care to over 3,462 internally displaced persons in Mali's capital Bamako. The number of IDPs in Mali has skyrocketed to nearly 355,000 as of December 2023 due to the deteriorating security situation.

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ALIMA and AMCP-SP Provide Lifesaving Care to IDPs in Mali Amid Worsening Crisis

ALIMA and AMCP-SP Provide Lifesaving Care to IDPs in Mali Amid Worsening Crisis

In the heart of Mali's capital Bamako, the humanitarian organizations ALIMA (The Alliance for International Medical Action) and its partner AMCP-SP (Malian Association for the Promotion of Persons with Disabilities) are providing critical care to over 3,462 internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in camps. As the SECURiTY situation in Mali continues to deteriorate, the number of IDPs across the country has skyrocketed to nearly 355,000 as of December 2023.

Why this matters: The worsening crisis in Mali has far-reaching implications for regional stability and global humanitarian efforts, as it threatens to destabilize the entire Sahel region. Moreover, the plight of IDPs, particularly children, highlights the urgent need for international cooperation and support to address the root causes of displacement and ensure the protection of vulnerable populations.

Children make up a staggering 53.6% of the displaced population in the camps where ALIMA and AMCP-SP are working. These vulnerable young lives have been uprooted from their homes and communities, facing an uncertain future in the midst of the ongoing crisis. The two organizations are focusing their efforts on providing essential medical care, nutrition support, andsearchservices to these children and their families.

The humanitarian crisis in Mali has been escalating since 2012, when armed groups took control of the northern part of the country. Despite international interventions and peace agreements, the security situation has continued to worsen, with violence spreading to central and southern regions. The conflict has led to widespread displacement, with many families forced to flee their homes and seek refuge in camps or host communities.

ALIMA and AMCP-SP are working tirelessly to address the urgent needs of the displaced population in Bamako. They have set up mobile clinics and health posts within the camps, providing free consultations, vaccinations, and treatment for common illnesses. The organizations are also running malnutrition screening and treatment programs, as well as providing mental health support to help IDPs cope with the trauma of displacement.

Despite the efforts of humanitarian organizations like ALIMA and AMCP-SP, the situation for IDPs in Mali remains dire. With limited resources and a constantly growing displaced population, these organizations are struggling to keep up with the immense needs. As the security crisis shows no signs of abating, it is crucial that the international community steps up its support for the humanitarian response in Mali, to ensure that the most vulnerable, especially children, receive the lifesaving assistance they so desperately need.