Portuguese Socialist Party Seeks Government Explanation on Private Firm's Role in Health Plan

Pedro Nuno Santos calls for government transparency regarding IQVIA Solutions' involvement in Portugal's national health emergency plan. The Ministry of Health confirms the €9,250 contract and pledges to disclose all contracts and projects from the past eight years.

Nimrah Khatoon
New Update
Portuguese Socialist Party Seeks Government Explanation on Private Firm's Role in Health Plan

Portuguese Socialist Party Seeks Government Explanation on Private Firm's Role in Health Plan

Pedro Nuno Santos, Secretary-General of the Portuguese Socialist Party, has called on the government to clarify the involvement of a private consulting firm in the development of the national health emergency plan. This inquiry comes amid growing concerns about transparency and accountability in government dealings.

The Ministry of Health responded by confirming that IQVIA Solutions, a private consulting firm, was appointed as a special advisor to organize and structure the committee's work. The contract with IQVIA Solutions is valued at €9,250 plus VAT.

A Ministry spokesperson emphasized the importance of transparency, stating, "Transparency is a fundamental value for governance." To reinforce this commitment, the Ministry pledged to disclose all contracts, projects, and associated values from the past eight years.

The national health emergency plan, designed by the Minister's Office, was implemented by a military unit. This unit included a group of experts from various health fields, coordinated by Eurico Castro Alves. It is worth mentioning that none of the experts involved received any remuneration for their contributions.

During the plan's development, the committee consulted 167 entities to gather diverse perspectives on Portugal's health situation. This extensive consultation process aimed to ensure a comprehensive and well-informed strategy.

The Portuguese Socialist Party's demand for explanation highlights the ongoing debate about the role of private firms in public sector projects. The government's transparency initiative is underway, with the potential impact on public trust and accountability still unclear.

To recap, Pedro Nuno Santos' call for government transparency has brought to light the involvement of IQVIA Solutions in the national health emergency plan. The Ministry of Health's commitment to transparency and the extensive consultation process highlight the complexity and importance of developing a robust health strategy for Portugal.

Key Takeaways

  • Pedro Nuno Santos demands transparency on private firm's role in Portugal's health emergency plan.
  • IQVIA Solutions appointed as special advisor for €9,250 plus VAT.
  • Ministry of Health commits to disclosing all contracts and projects from the past 8 years.
  • National health emergency plan developed by military unit with 167 entities consulted.
  • Government's transparency initiative aims to improve public trust and accountability.