Chile's President Boric Announces Expropriation of Colonia Dignidad Lands for Memorial Site

Chilean President Gabriel Boric announces the expropriation of part of the former Colonia Dignidad, a notorious Nazi settlement and detention center. The site will be transformed into a "place of memory and future" to acknowledge its dark history and promote human rights.

Nitish Verma
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Chile's President Boric Announces Expropriation of Colonia Dignidad Lands for Memorial Site

Chile's President Boric Announces Expropriation of Colonia Dignidad Lands for Memorial Site

On June 1, 2024, Chilean President Gabriel Boric announced the government's decision to expropriate part of the lands of the former Colonia Dignidad. The site, a notorious Nazi settlement used as a detention center during the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, will be transformed into a 'place of memory and future.'

The expropriated lands include the house of Paul Schäfer, the former Nazi soldier who led the sect and subjected over 300 people to forced labor, punishment, mental manipulation, and sexual abuse. Schäfer was convicted of sexual abuse in 2006 and died in 2010 while imprisoned in Chile.

Colonia Dignidad, founded in 1961, served as a torture center for the Directorate of National Intelligence (DINA) during the Pinochet regime. It is estimated that over 100 opponents of the regime were murdered on the premises, and their bodies are still missing today. The settlement was not dismantled until 1991 by order of President Patricio Aylwin.

President Boric emphasized the importance of this transformation, stating, 'Human rights and memory are a task that does not recognize borders. For several years now, the Governments of Chile and Germany have been working to convert a former space of horror and death into a place of memory and future.' He added, 'Thus, from the south of Chile to Germany, in one voice we tell the world: Never again!'

This move marks a significant step towards justice and reconciliation for the victims of Chile's military dictatorship and underscores the importance of acknowledging and learning from past atrocities. The transformation of Colonia Dignidad into a memorial site can help prevent similar human rights abuses from occurring in the future.

Human rights organizations and victims have long accused both the Chilean and German justice systems of not sufficiently prosecuting the crimes committed in Colonia Dignidad. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz offered Germany's support to reconvert the enclave during his visit to Chile in January 2022.

The Chilean government aims to build a 'place of memory and future' on the expropriated lands, acknowledging the dark history of the settlement and promoting human rights. This move is seen as a vital step towards justice and reconciliation for the victims and their families.

The expropriation and subsequent transformation of Colonia Dignidad into a memorial site marks a significant step in addressing the atrocities committed during Chile's military dictatorship. By creating a space dedicated to memory and future, the government seeks to ensure that such horrors are never repeated.

Key Takeaways

  • Chilean President Gabriel Boric announces expropriation of Colonia Dignidad, a former Nazi settlement and torture center.
  • The site will be transformed into a "place of memory and future" to acknowledge its dark history and promote human rights.
  • Colonia Dignidad was used as a detention center during Pinochet's regime, with over 100 opponents murdered and still missing.
  • The move marks a significant step towards justice and reconciliation for victims of Chile's military dictatorship.
  • Germany has offered support for the transformation, with both countries seeking to prevent similar human rights abuses in the future.