Fragile Calm in El Fasher Amid Ongoing Conflict and Humanitarian Crisis

El Fasher, Sudan, experiences fragile calm after weeks of violent clashes, but residents remain fearful of renewed attacks. Humanitarian conditions deteriorate, with 9 million displaced, food and medical supplies running out, and genocide warnings.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Fragile Calm in El Fasher Amid Ongoing Conflict and Humanitarian Crisis

Fragile Calm in El Fasher Amid Ongoing Conflict and Humanitarian Crisis

After weeks of violent clashes, the city of El Fasher in Sudan's Darfur region experienced a fragile calm on Thursday, with no recorded fighting. However, residents remain fearful of renewed attacks, and humanitarian conditions continue to deteriorate.

The conflict in Darfur has significant implications for regional and global stability, along with humanitarian concerns. If the situation continues to deteriorate, it could lead to further displacement, famine, and even genocide, with far-reaching consequences for the international community.

The conflict between Sudan's army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has displaced around nine million people and left many on the brink of famine. El Fasher, home to around two million people, is the latest epicenter of the conflict, with the RSF seeking to capture the city from the army and rebel groups.

UN officials have described the situation in El Fasher as 'Hell on Earth' and warned that genocide crimes may be committed. Artillery shells have been tearing through displacement camps and residential homes, killing dozens of people and causing massive blazes. Food and medical supplies are rapidly running out, with the city's only working hospital having just a few days of supplies left.

Thousands have been displaced by the clashes, but escaping El Fasher requires passing through RSF checkpoints, where fighters are charging those who want to flee, confiscating cars and possessions, and grilling people on their affiliations to the army and rebel groups. The situation is particularly critical in Abu Shouk, a displacement camp housing victims of the 2000s Darfur conflict, which has been targeted by RSF shells, killing dozens of people and causing massive blazes.

Local youth groups and emergency response rooms have been risking their lives to help people in need, constructing a medical clinic for children and setting up kitchens to feed displaced people. These mutual aid groups have emerged across Sudan and are providing critical support to those affected by the conflict.

Clementine Nkweta-Salami, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan, stated that she is 'profoundly distressed by the humanitarian situation in El Fasher, where the noose of war is tightening its stranglehold on a civilian population that is under attack from all sides.'

The Abu Shouk camp Emergency Room in El Fasher reported that 594 families are currently living in shelters, with severe shortages of water, food, and health services, particularly for children. Three shelter centers were evacuated after attacks by the RSF last week.

The conflict has displaced more than seven million people inside Sudan, with over half being children. An estimated two million people have fled to neighboring countries since the conflict erupted in April 2023. Humanitarians say that 18 million people across the country are going hungry, and five million are on the brink of famine.

The UN World Food Programme (WFP) reported that 1,200 metric tonnes of food supplies are being transported across the Darfur region to support 116,000 people. Food distributions are ongoing for 135,000 people in South Kordofan state.

The WFP, UNICEF, and WHO warned of a significant deterioration in the nutrition status of children and mothers as a result of the war, with child malnutrition at emergency levels. Acute malnutrition is estimated to be at 15.6 percent among under-fives in Central Darfur, and close to 30 percent at the ZamZam camp in North Darfur. Malnourished children are up to 11 times more likely to die than their well-nourished counterparts.

The UN agencies called for immediate, unimpeded, and consistent access to communities who are suffering the worst effects of the conflict. They appealed for a de-escalation of the situation in El Fasher, a nationwide ceasefire, and a scale-up in donor support.

Despite the temporary calm, the situation in El Fasher remains dire. The ongoing conflict, displacement, and humanitarian crisis continue to pose significant challenges for the residents and aid organizations working in the region.

Key Takeaways

  • El Fasher, Sudan experiences fragile calm after weeks of violent clashes.
  • Conflict has displaced 9 million people, leaving many on the brink of famine.
  • UN officials warn of genocide crimes, with 18 million people going hungry.
  • Humanitarian crisis worsens, with child malnutrition at emergency levels.
  • UN agencies appeal for ceasefire, access, and donor support to alleviate crisis.