Miss Universe Colombia 2024 Contestants Face Backlash Over Insensitive Jury Questions

Miss Universe Colombia 2024 contestants faced insensitive questions during a swimsuit fitting, including one about childhood sexual abuse. The incident sparked outrage on social media, with many criticizing the question as re-victimization.

Bijay Laxmi
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Miss Universe Colombia 2024 Contestants Face Backlash Over Insensitive Jury Questions

Miss Universe Colombia 2024 Contestants Face Backlash Over Insensitive Jury Questions

The Miss Universe Colombia 2024 swimsuit fitting, held on May 31 at the Puerta de Oro Event Center in Barranquilla, has become a focal point of controversy surrounding the jury's insensitive and personal questions posed to the contestants.

One of the most contentious moments occurred when Leicy Rivas, representing Chocó, was asked about her childhood experience with sexual abuse. The presenter inquired, 'How did you overcome sexual abuse in your life and what message or advice would you give to other young women who have gone through the same situation?'

This incident highlights the need for greater sensitivity and respect when addressing personal and traumatic issues in public forums. If not addressed, such incidents can lead to further trauma and distress for individuals who have experienced abuse, and undermine efforts to create a safe and supportive environment for survivors.

Rivas responded with remarkable composure, stating, 'As a person who has gone through sexual abuse, I know how difficult and complicated it is to say, feel and express to the world what is burning inside you... You're not alone. You have support and I am here to teach you that you can move forward'.

The jury's question and the subsequent response sparked widespread outrage on social media. Many users criticized the question as an unnecessary re-victimization of Rivas, with comments such as, 'Very serious. Re-victimizing them and subjecting them to public ridicule!! Truly incredible!!' and 'This is called re-victimizing, which is prohibited in all scenarios.'

Despite the backlash, some praised Rivas for her bravery and her ability to turn her painful experience into a message of hope and resilience. Her response highlighted the importance of reporting abuse and seeking support.

Other contestants who impressed during the swimsuit fitting included Daniela Toloza from Valle del Cauca, Sofía Botero from Bogotá, Kaina Andrea Mercado from Cartagena, and Kimberly Hooker Naranjo from Barranquilla. However, the event's focus has largely shifted to the controversy surrounding the jury's questioning.

This incident has reignited discussions about the sensitivity required when addressing personal and traumatic issues in public forums. The criticism highlights the need for greater tact and consideration in such settings, particularly when dealing with topics related to sexual abuse and trauma.

The Miss Universe Colombia organization has yet to issue a formal response to the controversy. The ongoing debate highlights the incident's significance in demonstrating the importance of empathy and respect in public discourse.

Key Takeaways

  • Miss Universe Colombia 2024 swimsuit fitting sparks controversy over insensitive jury questions.
  • Contestant Leicy Rivas was asked about overcoming childhood sexual abuse, sparking outrage.
  • Rivas responded with composure, offering support to other survivors.
  • Social media backlash criticizes the question as re-victimization.
  • Incident highlights need for sensitivity and respect in public discourse on trauma.