Russian Orthodox Church's Role in Russifying Deported Ukrainian Children Uncovered

A joint investigation reveals the Russian Orthodox Church's role in assimilating deported Ukrainian children into Russian culture. The Church promotes Russian language and values while suppressing Ukrainian identity, contributing to Russia's campaign to erase Ukrainian culture.

Nitish Verma
New Update
Russian Orthodox Church's Role in Russifying Deported Ukrainian Children Uncovered

Russian Orthodox Church's Role in Russifying Deported Ukrainian Children Uncovered

A joint investigation by DOXA and Kidmapping has revealed the significant role the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) plays in the Russification of deported Ukrainian children. This investigation sheds light on the active involvement of the ROC in assimilating these children into Russian culture, as part of a broader campaign by Russia to erase Ukrainian identity and culture.

The findings come amidst ongoing reports of Russia's forced deportation of Ukrainian civilians, including children, to Russia and occupied Ukraine. Despite international pressure, the Kremlin has shown little willingness to return these deported Ukrainians to their homeland. The ROC's involvement is seen as a continuation of its historical role in promoting Russian nationalism and identity.

Why this matters: The Russian Orthodox Church's involvement in Russifying deported Ukrainian children has significant implications for Ukraine's sovereignty and cultural identity. If left unchecked, this campaign could lead to the erasure of Ukrainian culture and identity among the deported children, further exacerbating the humanitarian crisis.

According to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), the ROC's efforts are part of a broader campaign to erase Ukrainian identity and culture among deported children. The investigation by DOXA and Kidmapping provides further evidence of Russia's attempts to assimilate Ukrainian children into Russian culture, highlighting the Church's role in promoting Russian language and values while suppressing Ukrainian identity.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to the deportation of thousands of Ukrainian children to Russia. Reports indicate that the Kremlin is engaging in a systematic campaign to erase Ukrainian identity and culture among these children. The ROC has been implicated in this campaign, with evidence suggesting that it is playing a key role in the forced assimilation of Ukrainian children.

The joint investigation by DOXA and Kidmapping highlights the Church's efforts to promote Russian language and culture among deported children. This includes replacing Ukrainian cultural elements with Russian ones and suppressing any expressions of Ukrainian identity. The ROC's actions are seen as part of a broader strategy to integrate these children into Russian society, thereby erasing their Ukrainian heritage.

The investigation also highlights the broader implications of the ROC's involvement in the Russification of deported Ukrainian children. By actively participating in this campaign, the Church is not only promoting Russian nationalism but also contributing to the Kremlin's efforts to undermine Ukrainian sovereignty and cultural identity.

To recap, the joint investigation by DOXA and Kidmapping reveals the significant role the Russian Orthodox Church plays in the Russification of deported Ukrainian children. This is part of a broader campaign by Russia to erase Ukrainian identity and culture, highlighting the Church's involvement in promoting Russian values while suppressing Ukrainian heritage.

Key Takeaways

  • Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) involved in Russifying deported Ukrainian children.
  • ROC promotes Russian culture, suppresses Ukrainian identity among deported kids.
  • Thousands of Ukrainian children deported to Russia, facing cultural erasure.
  • ROC's actions part of broader Russian campaign to erase Ukrainian identity.
  • ROC's involvement undermines Ukrainian sovereignty and cultural heritage.