Jordanian Forces Foil Major Drug Smuggling Attempt on Syrian Border Amid Arab Summit

Jordanian forces thwarted a significant drug smuggling attempt at the eastern border with Syria, resulting in two smugglers' deaths and large drug seizures. The operation coincided with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's attendance at the Arab Summit in Bahrain.

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Jordanian Forces Foil Major Drug Smuggling Attempt on Syrian Border Amid Arab Summit

Jordanian Forces Foil Major Drug Smuggling Attempt on Syrian Border Amid Arab Summit

On May 16, 2024, Jordanian forces successfully thwarted a significant drug smuggling attempt at the eastern border with Syria. The operation resulted in the death of two smugglers and the seizure of large quantities of drugs.

The timing of this operation coincided with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's attendance at the Arab Summit in Bahrain. This coincidence is particularly notable given the recent understandings between Syria and prominent Arab countries, including Jordan, to reduce drug smuggling operations towards Jordan and the Gulf states.

Why this matters: The incident highlights the ongoing struggle to combatdrug smuggling in the region, which has significant implications for regional security and stability. It also underscores the need for continued cooperation and coordination among Arab countries to address this issue effectively.

According to a statement from the Jordanian Armed Forces, the Eastern Military Region thwarted the infiltration and smuggling attempt of large quantities of narcotic substances coming from Syrian territory. An unnamed military source confirmed that the operation was carried out by the Eastern Military Zone personnel in cooperation with military security agencies and the Anti-Narcotics Department (AND).

The incident underscores the ongoing issue of east drug smuggling in the region despite recent agreements aimed at curbing such activities. Committees and meetings formed to stop the smuggling operations have so far been unfruitful.

In a related development, on May 15, 2024, Jordanian security sources revealed an attempt by factions supported by Iran to send weapons to a cell inside Jordan via Syria. The aim of this plot was to destabilize Jordan, a country that hosts a US military base and shares borders with Israel, Syria, and Iraq.

The Jordanian Armed Forces reiterated their commitment to using all available means to confront any threat to the nation's security. A military source emphasized,

This incident highlights the persistent challenges Jordan faces in combating drug smuggling and regional destabilization efforts, despite ongoing diplomatic efforts and security measures.

Key Takeaways

  • Jordanian forces thwarted a major drug smuggling attempt from Syria on May 16, 2024.
  • Two smugglers were killed, and large quantities of drugs were seized.
  • The operation coincided with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's attendance at the Arab Summit in Bahrain.
  • The incident highlights the ongoing struggle to combat drug smuggling in the region.
  • Jordan faces persistent challenges in combating drug smuggling and regional destabilization efforts.