Uruguay's 'Club de Lecturas de Idas y Vueltas' Fosters Community Through Literature

The "Club de Lecturas de Idas y Vueltas" in Uruguay brings together migrants and locals to discuss literature, promoting cultural exchange and socialization. Founded in 2019, the club has held over 100 encounters, fostering a sense of community and belonging among its diverse members.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Uruguay's 'Club de Lecturas de Idas y Vueltas' Fosters Community Through Literature

Uruguay's 'Club de Lecturas de Idas y Vueltas' Fosters Community Through Literature

The 'Club de Lecturas de Idas y Vueltas,' founded in 2019 in Uruguay, has become a vital cultural and social space for migrants and locals to connect through literature. This initiative has brought together individuals from diverse backgrounds, representing over 100 authors and 20 nationalities, to share their experiences and discuss literary works.

The club, initially created as a 'Café Literario' by the Asociación Idas y Vueltas, was designed to offer a cultural and socialization space for migrants seeking assistance. Despite a hiatus during the COVID-19 pandemic, the club was revived in June 2022 by Leroy Gutiérrez and Luis Enrique Durante. Since then, it has held over 100 encounters, with weekly meetings now occurring bi-weekly.

This initiative promotes cultural exchange and socialization among migrants and locals, cultivating a sense of community and belonging. By providing a platform for people from diverse backgrounds to share their experiences, it can help break down cultural barriers and promote mutual understanding.

The club's inclusive nature means that it is open to everyone, with no prior knowledge of literature required. This accessibility has allowed it to become a space where people from various parts of the world can find common ground. Rafael Atias, a 43-year-old Venezuelan migrant and club member, noted, 'Es una forma de conocer a otras personas con las cuales tenés un interés en común. Se ha convertido en un lugar para socializar y hacer este momento de lectura pero de una manera relajada.'

For many members, the club is more than just a literary discussion group; it is a place of connection and belonging. Sultan Sahin, a 40-year-old Turkish migrant and club member, expressed, 'Lo que más me gusta es que cada uno pueda compartir libremente lo que piensa, eso genera conexiones. Viniendo de partes tan diferentes del mundo con diferentes historias y perspectivas, veo que igualmente tenemos mucho en común y eso me hace sentir que no estoy sola acá.'

Leroy Gutiérrez, the club's coordinator, highlighted the importance of providing such a social space for migrants. He said, 'Para mí era valioso ofrecer a la gente la oportunidad de socializar. Es algo que para muchas personas migrantes queda fuera de alcance, sobre todo la gente que recién llega y tiene que resolver necesidades más inmediatas.'

The club has had a significant impact on its members, helping to create a sense of community and belonging. Many members have found comfort in the club, especially those who have left behind their families and friends in their home countries. The club also introduces its members to new authors and literary works from around the world, enriching their cultural experiences.

The 'Club de Lecturas de Idas y Vueltas' has evolved into a vital space for cultural exchange and socialization in Uruguay. By bringing together migrants and locals to discuss literature, the club has created a unique community that transcends national boundaries and fosters mutual understanding.

Key Takeaways

  • The "Club de Lecturas de Idas y Vueltas" in Uruguay connects migrants and locals through literature.
  • The club has brought together 100+ authors and 20 nationalities, promoting cultural exchange and socialization.
  • The initiative provides a sense of community and belonging for migrants, helping to break down cultural barriers.
  • The club is open to everyone, with no prior literature knowledge required, making it accessible to all.
  • The club has had a significant impact on its members, creating a sense of comfort and community for those who have left their homes.