Vatican's Cardinal Michael Czerny Urges European Voters to Recognize Migrants as 'Brothers and Sisters'

Cardinal Michael Czerny urges European voters to recognize migrants as "brothers and sisters" ahead of the European Parliament elections. He emphasizes the importance of showing sympathy towards migrants and refugees, countering rising nationalism and anti-immigrant sentiment.

Nimrah Khatoon
New Update
Vatican's Cardinal Michael Czerny Urges European Voters to Recognize Migrants as 'Brothers and Sisters'

Vatican's Cardinal Michael Czerny Urges European Voters to Recognize Migrants as 'Brothers and Sisters'

Ahead of the European Parliament elections scheduled for June 6-9, Cardinal Michael Czerny has called on European voters to recognize migrants as 'brothers and sisters' and remember their own migratory roots. Czerny, the Vatican's point person on migration and social justice, emphasized the importance of showing sympathy towards migrants and refugees.

Why this matters: The Vatican's call to recognize migrants as 'brothers and sisters' highlights the need for compassion and understanding in the face of rising nationalism and anti-immigrant sentiment. The outcome of the European Parliament elections could have significant implications for the future of migration policies and the treatment of refugees in the EU.

In a press conference on June 3, Czerny highlighted the challenges faced by migrants, countering the narrative that they migrate out of pleasure or personal fulfillment. 'It is crucial to recognize what it means to be pressured by reality, by history, to flee... Often propaganda or ideology suggests that migrants come out of pleasure or a sense of exploration: this is false, false, false,' he stated.

Czerny, who heads the Vatican's human development office, urged EU citizens to recognize the humanity of migrants. 'Let's recognize these people as brothers and sisters, we can repeat the words endlessly to understand their meaning... recognizing them as brothers and sisters changes everything,' he said.

The upcoming elections are expected to see gains by far-right and conservative parties, potentially leading to stricter policies on law and order and border security. Czerny warned against forgetting one's own migratory roots, noting, 'It is a shame, really a shame, that after one or two generations, a family can forget its own migration roots.'

Pope Francis has consistently advocated for migrants' rights throughout his papacy, calling for a more humanitarian approach by Western governments. The Vatican's message comes ahead of the Catholic Church's World Day of Migrants and Refugees, which will be observed on September 29.

Czerny, who is the son of Czech immigrants to Canada, wears a cross made from the wood of a migrant boat that landed on Italy's Lampedusa island. This symbol highlights his commitment to the cause of migrants and refugees.

The European Parliament elections, taking place this week, will significantly impact EU politics. With migration being a key issue, the outcome could shape future policies on border security and humanitarian aid.

Czerny's appeal to European voters comes at a pivotal time, urging them to remember their own migratory history and show compassion towards those forced to flee their homes.

Key Takeaways

  • Vatican's Cardinal Czerny urges EU voters to recognize migrants as "brothers and sisters" ahead of elections.
  • Czerny emphasizes the importance of showing sympathy towards migrants and refugees.
  • He counters the narrative that migrants flee for pleasure, citing reality and history as driving factors.
  • The upcoming EU elections may see gains by far-right parties, potentially leading to stricter border policies.
  • Pope Francis has consistently advocated for migrants' rights, calling for a more humanitarian approach.