Clashes Erupt in Jerusalem as Ultra-Orthodox Protest Military Draft

Violent clashes broke out in Jerusalem as thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews protested a Supreme Court order requiring their conscription into the military, threatening the stability of Netanyahu's coalition amid ongoing conflict with Hamas.

Bijay Laxmi
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Clashes Erupt in Jerusalem as Ultra-Orthodox Protest Military Draft

Clashes Erupt in Jerusalem as Ultra-Orthodox Protest Military Draft

Thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jewish men clashed with Israeli police in central Jerusalem on Sunday during a protest against a Supreme Court order mandating their enlistment for military service. The landmark ruling issued last week requires the government to begin drafting ultra-Orthodox men, a decision that could destabilize Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

The protest began with tens of thousands rallying in an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood but escalated after nightfall as the crowd moved towards central Jerusalem, turning violent. Protesters threw rocks and attacked the car of an ultra-Orthodox Cabinet minister, pelting it with stones. Police responded with water cannons filled with skunk-scented water and mounted officers to disperse the crowd, though the situation remained uncontrolled late into Sunday night.

In Israel, military service is compulsory for most Jewish men and women. However, ultra-Orthodox parties, wielding significant political power, have secured exemptions allowing their followers to study in religious seminaries instead of serving in the military. This long-standing arrangement has fostered resentment among the broader public, particularly as the conflict with Hamas has intensified. The war has claimed the lives of over 600 soldiers and required the activation of tens of thousands of reservists, disrupting careers, businesses, and lives.

Ultra-Orthodox groups argue that forcing their men to serve in the military would destroy their traditional way of life. Earlier on Sunday, thousands gathered in a square for mass prayers, many holding signs denouncing the draft order, including one that read, “not even one male” should be drafted.

The ultra-Orthodox parties are crucial to Netanyahu’s governing coalition and their departure in protest could trigger new elections. Party leaders have not yet announced their intentions, weighing the risk of leaving a coalition already facing diminished popularity since the Hamas attack on October 7 that ignited the current war.

Why This Matters: The conflict over military conscription for ultra-Orthodox Jews highlights the deep societal divisions within Israel and the political challenges facing the Netanyahu government amid a prolonged conflict with Hamas.

Key Takeaways

  • Thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews protested a Supreme Court order for military conscription.
  • Clashes with police erupted, leading to violent confrontations in central Jerusalem.
  • Military service is mandatory in Israel, but ultra-Orthodox men have traditionally been exempt.
  • The decision could destabilize Netanyahu's coalition, crucial during the ongoing conflict with Hamas.
  • The issue underscores broader societal and political tensions within Israel.