Toronto's Jewish Community Rallies Support for Israel at Annual 'Walk with Israel' Event

Thousands marched in Toronto's "Walk with Israel" event amid heightened security, with six arrests reported by police. The march, organized by the United Jewish Appeal, featured record participation and encountered protests along the route.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
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Toronto's Jewish Community Rallies Support for Israel at Annual 'Walk with Israel' Event

The streets of Toronto resounded with the echoes of solidarity as thousands of members from the city's Jewish community gathered for the annual "Walk with Israel" event on Sunday. The march, organized by the United Jewish Appeal Federation of Greater Toronto, drew a record turnout, with an estimated 50,000 participants according to the organizers.

The five-kilometer walk and subsequent festival served as a powerful display of support for Israel amidst the ongoing conflict with Hamas in Gaza. Marchers waved Israeli flags and carried posters depicting those taken hostage during the October 7th attack that sparked the latest escalation of violence.

While the event unfolded amid heightened security measures, including a strong police presence and private security personnel, it was not without its share of protests. Toronto Police reported six arrests, though the specifics of the incidents leading to the arrests were not disclosed.

As the march proceeded along Bathurst Street, participants encountered two groups of pro-Palestinian protesters, leading to heated exchanges and dueling chants of "free, free Palestine" and "bring them home." Police officers formed barriers between the groups to prevent further confrontations.

Noah Shack, a representative of the United Jewish Appeal Federation, expressed sadness over the necessity of such extensive security measures, describing it as "a sad testament to where our city is right now." He attributed the increased need for security to "an explosion of hate" directed towards Toronto's Jewish community since the start of the latest war.

The event held particular significance for families with loved ones held hostage by Hamas. Avichai Brodutch, whose wife and three children were released from captivity in November, shared his story with the community, expressing gratitude for the support and solidarity displayed.

Maayan Shavit, a Toronto resident whose cousin remains in captivity, emphasized the importance of raising awareness about the plight of civilian hostages. "We know from the beginning that she's being held underground," Shavit said, adding that her family hopes for a "miracle."

While the march showcased unity within the Jewish community, it also highlighted the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Several groups representing Jews opposed to Israel's actions in Gaza urged community members to attend a pro-Palestinian encampment at the University of Toronto instead.

Jonathan Brown Gilbert, a graduate student at the encampment, expressed the sentiment shared by many, stating, "For a growing number of Jews here in Canada, witnessing the continued siege and assault on Gaza fills us with horror and grief for what is being done in our name."

Why This Matters: The "Walk with Israel" event in Toronto highlights the deep divisions and complex narratives surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, even within the Jewish community itself. It underscores the importance of open dialogue, understanding, and peaceful resolution to address the long-standing tensions and ensure the protection of civilian lives on both sides.

Key Takeaways:

  • Tens of thousands attended the annual "Walk with Israel" event in Toronto, a show of solidarity with Israel amid the ongoing conflict with Hamas.
  • The march faced protests from pro-Palestinian groups, leading to heated exchanges and six arrests, as reported by Toronto Police.
  • Families with loved ones held hostage by Hamas shared their stories, emphasizing the need for awareness and support.
  • The event highlighted divisions within the Jewish community, with some groups urging attendance at a pro-Palestinian encampment instead.
  • The march underscores the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the need for open dialogue and peaceful resolution.