Cabo Verde's Minister Proposes Artist-Owned Company for Music Awards

Cabo Verde's Minister of Culture proposes turning the Cabo Verde Music Awards into a company owned by artists, enabling them to invest in and enhance the event's quality. The minister suggests this model to promote artist empowerment, responsibility, and active participation in the event's management.

Nitish Verma
New Update
Cabo Verde's Minister Proposes Artist-Owned Company for Music Awards

Cabo Verde's Minister Proposes Artist-Owned Company for Music Awards

In a recent meeting held in Praia, Cabo Verde's Minister of Culture and Creative Industries, Abraão Vicente, put forth a transformative proposal for the Cabo Verde Music Awards (CVMA). The minister suggested turning the CVMA into a company owned by artists, enabling them to invest in and enhance the event's quality.

Why this matters: This proposal has broader significance as it empowers artists to take ownership of their creative work and invest in its development. If successful, it could lead to a more sustainable and high-quality cultural event that showcases Cabo Verde's artistic talent.

This proposal aims to shift the ownership and management of the CVMA to the artists themselves, promoting a sense of responsibility and active participation. By becoming shareholders, artists could invest part of their dividends, particularly from intellectual property, to improve the event's overall quality, spectacle, music, and associated merchandise.

Vicente emphasized the potential benefits of this model, stating, "But I went a step further, suggesting that the CVMA be a kind of company where artists are shareholders." This approach not only aims to enhance the prestige of the event but also to ensure the active presence and engagement of nominated artists.

Initially, Vicente proposed establishing a foundation, but later suggested a company structure to facilitate international funding mechanisms, expertise, and financing for music promotion. This proposal is not intended to replace the Sociedade Cabo-verdiana de Autores (Soca), which is currently closed because of accounting issues.

The minister also called for transparency in the use of resources from the private copying law, highlighting the importance of both the Sociedade Cabo-verdiana de Música (SCM) and Sociedade Cabo-verdiana de Autores (SOCA) demonstrating how funds are utilized. This move highlights the need for accountability and proper management of resources within the creative industry.

As Vicente prepares to leave his ministerial post at the end of July to run for the presidency of the Praia Municipal Chamber under the MpD (power) party, his proposal for the CVMA represents a significant step towards empowering artists and ensuring the sustainability of one of Cabo Verde's key cultural events.

Vicente's vision for an artist-owned CVMA company reflects a broader trend of promoting artist empowerment and self-sufficiency within the cultural sector. By involving artists directly in the management and investment of the event, the initiative seeks to cultivate a more dynamic and high-quality music awards ceremony that truly represents the interests and talents of Cabo Verde's artistic community.

Key Takeaways

  • Cabo Verde's Minister of Culture proposes turning CVMA into an artist-owned company.
  • Empowers artists to invest in and enhance the event's quality and sustainability.
  • Artists would become shareholders, investing dividends to improve the event.
  • Aims to promote transparency and accountability in the use of creative industry resources.
  • Represents a broader trend of promoting artist empowerment and self-sufficiency.