Vietnamese Singer Charmy Pham Files Police Report Over Online Defamation

Vietnamese singer Charmy Pham files police report over online defamation after a doctored photo sparks rumors of her having two children. The incident leads to terminated contracts and harm to her reputation, prompting an investigation.

Aqsa Younas Rana
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Vietnamese Singer Charmy Pham Files Police Report Over Online Defamation

Vietnamese Singer Charmy Pham Files Police Report Over Online Defamation

Vietnamese singer Charmy Pham, 29, has filed a police report over online defamation after a doctored photo sparked rumors that she had given birth to two children. These rumors led to the termination of several contracts and caused significant harm to her reputation and family.

The doctored photo, which showed Pham with two children, quickly circulated online, leading to widespread speculation. As a consequence, several clients decided to end their professional relationships with Pham. This has not only impacted her career but also brought undue stress to her personal life.

Pham's manager has expressed determination to uncover the source of the defamation, working closely with her lawyer, Nguyen Van Quang. Quang stated that the doctored photos, which also included images of government leaders, could amount to slander. Pham has listed the websites and social media accounts involved in her complaint, citing violations of her honor and reputation.

The actual parents of the children in the photo have also been affected by the incident and are urging authorities to find those responsible. The incident has brought unwanted attention to their children, adding to the urgency of resolving the matter.

Why this matters: This case highlights the growing concern of online defamation and its impact on individuals, particularly public figures. The outcome of this case could set a precedent for how online defamation cases are handled in Vietnam, potentially influencing the country's laws and regulations regarding online speech.

Charmy Pham began her singing career in 2019 before moving to the United States to pursue her studies. In 2021, she adopted the stage name Charmy Pham. She returned to Vietnam in 2023 to resume her singing career and released a music video titled 'LaLaLa' in November.

The Ministry of Information and Communications issued license number 71/GP-CBC on September 22, 2021, which is relevant to Pham's career trajectory and her recent activities.

The investigation continues, Pham and her team remain focused on clearing her name and restoring her professional relationships. Wait, I need to replace the banned phrase. Rewritten text: Pham and her team remain focused on clearing her name and restoring her professional relationships while the investigation unfolds. The outcome of this case could set a precedent for how online defamation cases are handled in Vietnam, particularly for public figures.

Key Takeaways

  • Vietnamese singer Charmy Pham files police report over online defamation.
  • Doctored photo sparks rumors of Pham having two children, leading to contract terminations.
  • Pham's team seeks to uncover source of defamation, citing harm to reputation and family.
  • Case highlights growing concern of online defamation, potentially influencing Vietnam's laws.
  • Investigation continues, with Pham focused on clearing her name and restoring relationships.