84-Year-Overdue Book Returned to Helsinki Library After Soviet Invasion Delay

A book borrowed 84 years ago from Helsinki Central Library Oodi has been returned; the Finnish translation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "Refugees" was due back on December 26, 1939. The book, found in good condition, will be made available to the public again.

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84-Year-Overdue Book Returned to Helsinki Library After Soviet Invasion Delay

84-Year-Overdue Book Returned to Helsinki Library After Soviet Invasion Delay

In an extraordinary event, a book borrowed 84 years ago has been returned to the Helsinki Central Library Oodi. The book, a Finnish translation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's historical novel 'Refugees,' was due back on December 26, 1939.

Librarian Heini Strand received the book on May 27, 2024, marking the longest overdue return she has ever encountered. 'The due date of the loan was 26 December 1939,' Strand stated. The return of the book is likely delayed as a result of the Soviet Union's invasion of Finland in November 1939, which led to the Russo-Finnish War, and this circumstance has caused the delay. noreferrer">Winter War between the two countries until March 1940.

The book, originally published in 1893 and translated into Finnish in 1925, was found in exceptionally good condition. 'The quality of old books is usually much better than new ones,' Strand noted. The library plans to make this 1925 edition available to the public once again.

The circumstances surrounding the return remain unclear. The library was unable to find a connection between the person who returned the book and the original borrower. Strand speculated that the book might have been found among the belongings of a deceased relative. 'People want to do the right thing and return the book that is the library's property... I think that is lovely,' she said.

The due date of December 26, 1939, fell just a month after the Soviet Union attacked Finland, leading to the Winter War. Strand remarked, 'If the person survived the war, the person probably had other things on their mind than returning the book.'

This remarkable return highlights the enduring importance of libraries and the preservation of literary works. The Helsinki Central Library Oodi's decision to make the book available to the public offers a unique opportunity for readers to engage with a piece of history.

Key Takeaways

  • A book borrowed 84 years ago from Helsinki Central Library Oodi has been returned.
  • The book, "Refugees" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, was due back on December 26, 1939.
  • The return was likely delayed due to the Soviet Union's invasion of Finland in 1939.
  • The book was found in exceptionally good condition and will be made available to the public again.
  • The circumstances surrounding the return remain unclear, with no connection found to the original borrower.