Singapore Singles Favor In-Person Dating Events Over Apps

In Singapore, singles are increasingly attending in-person dating events like SinglePore, Date My Friend, and iDatings, seeking more intimate connections. These events are gaining popularity, with thousands on waiting lists, as people shun matchmaking apps for face-to-face interactions.

Nitish Verma
New Update
Singapore Singles Favor In-Person Dating Events Over Apps

Singapore Singles Favor In-Person Dating Events Over Apps

In Singapore, singles are increasingly opting for in-person dating events over dating apps, seeking more intimate and face-to-face interactions. Events like SinglePore, Date My Friend, and iDatings are witnessing a surge in popularity as people look for meaningful connections.

Candice Gallagher, a content creator, has launched SinglePore, an in-person singles mixer that uses an algorithm to match participants. With over 2,500 people on its waiting list, the first event is scheduled for next month. Gallagher describes SinglePore as a 'small, heterosexual gathering with a 50:50 male-to-female ratio' aimed at cultivating meaningful relationships.

Other events like Date My Friend and iDatings are also gaining traction. Date My Friend, a comedy show where participants recommend their friends as dating partners, has held two sell-out LGBTQ+ events this year, each attracting about 50 attendees. iDatings, a speed dating event, has seen increased participation recently, with tickets typically costing S$30 for men and between S$8 and S$12 for women.

Experts attribute this shift to a growing appetite for face-to-face connections in the post-pandemic era and frustrations with online dating. Norman Li, a psychology professor at the Singapore Management University, notes that the backlash against dating apps may be driving people towards in-person events. 'If people are increasingly interested in speed dating events, that means that they are interested in having the chance to check out potential partners face-to-face,' Li said.

Why this matters: The shift towards in-person dating events reflects a broader desire for more authentic human connections in a post-pandemic world. This trend may have significant implications for the dating industry and how people form relationships in the future.

Mathew Mathews, head of the Social Lab at the Institute of Policy Studies, points out that people are seeking more authentic connections. The rise of in-person dating events may be driven by a desire for genuine interactions that dating apps often fail to provide.

Participants at these events echo this sentiment. Siva Nathan, a 43-year-old lawyer who attended an iDatings event, said, 'It's more like an informal kind of dating, so you get to know them, you talk to them, and in the event that things don't work out, you could work out as friends.'

The trend towards in-person dating events in Singapore reflects a broader desire for more personal and meaningful connections. As singles continue to seek authentic interactions, the popularity of events like SinglePore, Date My Friend, and iDatings is likely to grow.

Key Takeaways

  • Singles in Singapore are opting for in-person dating events over apps.
  • Events like SinglePore, Date My Friend, and iDatings are gaining popularity.
  • Experts attribute this shift to a desire for face-to-face connections post-pandemic.
  • In-person events offer more authentic interactions than dating apps.
  • The trend reflects a broader desire for meaningful, personal connections.