Trento Tops EU Quality of Life Survey, Taranto Struggles at the Bottom

The European Commission's survey ranks Trento as the top city in Europe for quality of life, with 95.4% of residents satisfied, while Taranto ranks last with 47.8% satisfaction. The survey highlights significant disparities in citizen satisfaction across Italian cities, with northern cities generally faring better than southern ones.

Nimrah Khatoon
New Update
Trento Tops EU Quality of Life Survey, Taranto Struggles at the Bottom

Trento Tops EU Quality of Life Survey, Taranto Struggles at the Bottom

The European Commission's 'Quality of Life in European Cities' survey has revealed a striking contrast between Italian cities, with Trento ranking first and Taranto coming in last among 85 European cities. This survey, conducted with the contribution of Istat, highlights significant disparities in citizen satisfaction across Italy.

Trento boasts an impressive 95.4% of its population satisfied with life in their city, making it the top-ranked city in the survey. Conversely, Taranto struggles with only 47.8% of its residents expressing satisfaction with their quality of life.

Several other Italian cities also demonstrated high levels of satisfaction. Trieste, Cagliari, Bergamo, Brescia, and Bolzano all reported satisfaction rates above 90%. This indicates a strong sense of contentment in these cities, reflecting their quality of life and services.

Despite these high satisfaction rates, only a few cities believe that the quality of life has improved in the last five years. Bari stands out, with over half of its population seeing an improvement. Messina is another city where residents feel positive changes have occurred.

Why this matters: The survey's findings have significant implications for urban planning and policy-making in Italy and the EU, as they highlight the need to address disparities in quality of life and citizen satisfaction. If left unaddressed, these disparities could lead to increased social and economic inequality, and decreased overall well-being for citizens.

In contrast, more than half of the citizens in several cities, including Florence, Sassari, Bolzano, Catania, Parma, Rome, Venice, and Reggio Calabria, think that the quality of life has worsened over the past five years. This sentiment reflects growing concerns about urban living conditions in these areas.

The survey also delved into satisfaction with various city services across Italy. Health services received the highest satisfaction rates in Centre-North cities such as Bologna, Verona, and Trieste, while southern cities lagged behind. Public transport satisfaction was highest in Milan, Trieste, and Bolzano, but lowest in southern cities, Rome, and Perugia.

Green spaces saw the highest satisfaction in Trento, Bolzano, and Cagliari, while southern cities again scored poorly. Sports facilities received high marks in Trento, Bologna, and Bolzano. Cultural infrastructures were most appreciated in Milan, Trento, Bergamo, Parma, Brescia, Trieste, Bolzano, and Florence.

However, cleanliness remains a significant issue, with less than half of the inhabitants satisfied in around three-quarters of Italian cities, including all southern cities and larger urban areas. Job opportunities also varied, with the highest satisfaction in Bolzano, Milan, Trento, Brescia, Parma, and Bergamo, while southern cities struggled.

Overall, the survey highlights the significant disparities in quality of life and satisfaction across Italian cities. While cities like Trento excel in providing a high quality of life, others, particularly in the south, face substantial challenges in meeting residents' expectations.

Key Takeaways

  • Trento ranks 1st in EU's "Quality of Life in European Cities" survey with 95.4% satisfaction rate.
  • Taranto ranks last among 85 European cities with only 47.8% satisfaction rate.
  • Italian cities show significant disparities in quality of life and citizen satisfaction.
  • Health services, public transport, and green spaces are areas of concern in southern Italian cities.
  • Cleanliness and job opportunities are significant issues in most Italian cities.