Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan Abandons Historical Land Claims, Paving Way for Regional Peace

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announces Armenia must abandon claims to historical lands, including Mount Ararat in Turkiye, to focus on sovereignty and independence. Protests erupt in Armenia over a border demarcation deal with Azerbaijan, with residents expressing concerns about losing access to farmlands.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan Abandons Historical Land Claims, Paving Way for Regional Peace

Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan Abandons Historical Land Claims, Paving Way for Regional Peace

In a landmark speech to the Armenian parliament, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announced that Armenia must abandon its claims to historical lands, including Mount Ararat in Turkiye, and focus on sovereignty and independence. This statement is seen as a significant step towards improving relations with Azerbaijan and Turkiye.

Pashinyan's declaration marks a significant shift in Armenia's stance on its historical claims. He emphasized the necessity of focusing on the present reality and the country's sovereignty. 'We cannot go anywhere if we continue to look out of the window and dream that Mount Ararat, which is now in Turkiye, belonged once to Armenia,' he stated.

This announcement comes amid protests in Armenia, sparked by the government's agreement to hand over four villages to Azerbaijan. The border demarcation deal, completed on May 15, has been hailed by the United States and the European Union. However, it has also led to widespread discontent among Armenian citizens, particularly in the affected regions.

Why this matters: This historic statement has significant implications for regional peace and stability, as it marks a shift away from centuries-old territorial disputes. If successful, it could pave the way for improved relations and economic cooperation between Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Turkiye, with potential benefits for the entire region.

Residents of the Tavush Province, where the demarcation process took place, have expressed concerns about losing access to their farmlands and facing increased vulnerability to Azerbaijani aggression. Protests have been led by Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, who has called for Pashinyan's resignation and snap parliamentary elections.

The historical context of the conflict between Armenia and Turkiye dates back over a century, with the forced relocation of Armenians by Ottoman forces in 1915 being a major point of contention. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently issued a statement remembering the Ottoman citizens of Armenian descent who lost their lives and extended his condolences to their descendants.

Pashinyan's government has also taken steps to resolve the border demarcation issue with Azerbaijan. The transfer of four villages from Armenia to Azerbaijan was agreed upon, using Russian maps that formed the basis for the borders. This move is intended to solidify Armenia's internationally recognized and legitimate frontiers.

The international community has largely welcomed these developments. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken described the border delimitation as an 'important step toward concluding a durable and dignified peace agreement.' The European Union and Germany have also expressed their support for the deal.

Despite the government's efforts, protests continue in Yerevan, with demonstrators demanding Pashinyan's resignation. The opposition argues that the border demarcation leaves local residents more vulnerable and criticizes the government for not securing better terms in the agreement.

Pashinyan maintains that defining the border with Azerbaijan is vital for Armenia's security. 'Resolving border disputes with Azerbaijan is a sole guarantee for the very existence of the Armenian republic within its internationally recognized and legitimate frontier,' he asserted.

As Armenia traverses this period of significant change, the government's focus on sovereignty and independence could pave the way for lasting peace in the region. The outcome of these efforts will be closely watched by both local and international communities.

Key Takeaways

  • Armenian PM Pashinyan announces abandonment of claims to historical lands, including Mount Ararat.
  • Move aims to improve relations with Azerbaijan and Turkiye, and focus on sovereignty and independence.
  • Border demarcation deal with Azerbaijan sparks protests in Armenia, with residents concerned about losing land and security.
  • International community, including US and EU, welcomes developments as a step towards regional peace and stability.
  • Pashinyan's government faces opposition and protests, with critics demanding better terms and his resignation.