Chad's New Government List Revealed, Ending Three Years of Military Rule

Chad's new government has been unveiled, ending three years of military rule, with Mahamat Idriss Deby sworn in as president after a 61% election victory. The new administration consists of 35 ministers, with 23 having served in the previous administration.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Chad's New Government List Revealed, Ending Three Years of Military Rule

Chad's New Government List Revealed, Ending Three Years of Military Rule

Chad, a nation in north-central Africa, has unveiled its new government list, signaling the end of three years of military rule. Mahamat Idriss Deby, who secured a 61% victory in the May 6 presidential election, has been sworn in president, continuing his family's dynastic rule.

The new government, announced by Prime Minister Allamaye Halina on Monday, consists of 35 ministers, with 23 of them having served in the previous administration. Halina, a former ambassador to China, was appointed Prime Minister just days before Deby's inauguration.

This political transition follows the death of Deby's father, Idriss Deby, who ruled Chad for over 30 years until he was killed in 2021 while fighting rebels. Mahamat Idriss Deby's presidency has been endorsed by the international community, led by France, which maintains a significant military presence in Chad.

This development has significant implications for the survival and economic development of Chad, a country that plays a key role in the fight against jihadist movements in the Sahel region. The success of the new government will have a ripple effect on the region's security and economic trajectory.

Despite the international endorsement, the election's credibility has been questioned by international NGOs, and the opposition has raised concerns about the emergence of a Deby dynasty. The new administration faces the challenge of addressing these concerns while coping with complex geopolitical dynamics.

None of the ministers from the previous administration led by Succes Masra, who resigned last week, were retained in the new government. The reshuffle has excluded all ministers from the opposition Transformers party, whose leader lost the presidential election to Deby.

Chad remains one of the poorest nations globally, yet it plays a vital role in the fight against jihadist movements in the Sahel region. The new government will need to address internal political divisions and ongoing security threats to ensure stability and development.

President Deby has promised to be a leader for all Chadians and vowed a 'return to constitutional order.' The new administration's takeover will put Chad's political and economic trajectory under the scrutiny of both domestic and international observers.

Key Takeaways

  • Chad unveils new government after 3 years of military rule.
  • Mahamat Idriss Deby sworn in as president, continuing family dynasty.
  • New government consists of 35 ministers, 23 from previous administration.
  • International community endorses Deby's presidency, despite election concerns.
  • New government faces challenges of internal divisions, security threats, and poverty.