Court Halts Probe into Former Benue Governor Samuel Ortom's Tenure Amid Legal Battle

A Benue State High Court has issued a restraining order against Governor Hyacinth Alia's administration, halting the probe into his predecessor Samuel Ortom's tenure. The court's decision comes after Ortom challenged the inquiry, citing existing audits and reports by the state's Auditor General.

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Court Halts Probe into Former Benue Governor Samuel Ortom's Tenure Amid Legal Battle

Court Halts Probe into Former Benue Governor Samuel Ortom's Tenure Amid Legal Battle

A Benue State High Court in Makurdi has issued an order restraining the administration of Governor Hyacinth Alia from investigating the tenure of his predecessor, Samuel Ortom. The court's decision, delivered on Wednesday, pauses the probe until the resolution of a lawsuit filed by Ortom challenging the inquiry.

Governor Alia had established two judicial commissions of inquiry in February to examine the state's finances from May 29, 2015, to May 28, 2023, during Ortom's administration. The decision to probe Ortom's tenure was met with resistance from the former governor, who argued that the state's Auditor General had already audited the accounts and submitted reports to the Benue State House of Assembly.

Ortom's lawyer, Oba Maduabuchi (SAN), presented the case, emphasizing that the Auditor General's reports, published in several Benue State Gazettes, had already been acted upon by the House of Assembly. Maduabuchi contended that Governor Alia lacked the authority to establish the panels, describing the move as a 'gross abuse of office and vendetta.'

Justice T. T. Asua granted the ex parte application, halting the commission's activities until the lawsuit's resolution. The judge found that Ortom had shown sufficient interest in the matter to warrant the court's intervention. The court's decision highlights the legal complexities surrounding the probe and the ongoing tension between the current and former administrations.

Why this matters: This court ruling has significant implications for governance and accountability in Benue State, as it sets a precedent for how investigations into previous administrations are conducted. The outcome of this case will likely influence the balance of power between the current and former administrations, and may have far-reaching consequences for political dynamics in the state.

The Auditor General's role in the state’s financial oversight is crucial, as mandated by the 1999 Constitution (as amended). Maduabuchi highlighted this, stating, 'The Auditor General is imbued with powers under the 1999 Constitution (as amended) to investigate and probe the finances of the state.' He further noted that the reports had been made public through state gazettes.

This legal battle adds to the complexities of governance in Benue State, reflecting broader issues of accountability and political rivalry. Court proceedings continue, with the focus remaining on whether the existing audits and reports suffice or if further investigation is warranted.

The court's intervention has temporarily paused the commission's activities, but the final outcome will depend on the ongoing legal proceedings. The resolution of this case will likely set a precedent for how similar disputes are handled in the future.

Justice Asua's ruling provides a temporary reprieve for Ortom, but the broader implications for governance and legal oversight in Benue State remain to be seen. This case will be closely watched for its impact on political dynamics and administrative accountability.

Key Takeaways

  • Court restrains Benue State Governor Alia from probing predecessor Ortom's tenure.
  • Ortom challenges inquiry, citing Auditor General's reports and House of Assembly's action.
  • Judge grants ex parte application, halting commission's activities until lawsuit resolution.
  • Court ruling sets precedent for governance and accountability in Benue State.
  • Outcome will impact balance of power between current and former administrations.