Ghana's Attorney General Implicated in Ambulance Case Amid Leaked Audio Tape Controversy

Ghana's Attorney General Godfred Dame is implicated in a controversy surrounding the ambulance purchase trial, with a leaked audio tape allegedly capturing him instructing a witness to incriminate Minority Leader Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson. The opposition NDC has demanded Dame's resignation and prosecution, citing professional misconduct and witness tampering.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Ghana's Attorney General Implicated in Ambulance Case Amid Leaked Audio Tape Controversy

Ghana's Attorney General Implicated in Ambulance Case Amid Leaked Audio Tape Controversy

Ghana's Attorney General, Godfred Dame, has been implicated in a significant controversy surrounding the ongoing ambulance purchase trial involving Minority Leader Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson. The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has released a leaked 16-minute audio tape that allegedly captures a conversation between Dame and Richard Jakpa, the third accused in the case.

The tape, which the NDC presented at a press conference on May 28, 2024, purportedly reveals Dame instructing Jakpa on what statements to make in court to implicate Dr. Ato Forson. This development has added a new layer of complexity to the high-profile trial, which has already been marred by accusations of government persecution.

In the recording, Dame is allegedly heard coaching Jakpa on how to testify against Dr. Forson. Jakpa had previously claimed in court that Dame approached him at odd hours to build a case against Forson. The NDC's National Chairman, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, stated, "In this recording, Godfred Dame is clearly heard doing the following: A) Witness tampering... B) Conspiracy against an accused person... C) Professional Misconduct... D) Fabrication of evidence to pervert the course of Justice."

The NDC has demanded Dame's immediate resignation and prosecution. They argue that his actions violate the Legal Profession (Professional Conduct and Etiquette Rules), L.I. 2324, specifically rules prohibiting communication with a represented person without their lawyer's consent and outlining a prosecutor's responsibilities to act resolutely and honorably.

The allegations against Ghana's Attorney General have significant implications for the country's legal system and the integrity of its judicial processes. If found guilty, it could lead to a loss of public trust in the judiciary and have far-reaching consequences for the political environment in Ghana.

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) has dismissed the NDC's allegations, asserting that the audio tape has been doctored. However, security analyst Dr. Adam Bonaa disputed these claims, stating, "Anyone who understands how bugging or recording is done knows this was a direct recording... It was a P2P (peer-to-peer) recording, not where you call me, and I set up another recorder somewhere, put it on loudspeaker, and then use the third-party device to record."

The ambulance case centers on allegations of corruption and financial mismanagement in the purchase of ambulances by the Ministry of Health under the NDC Mahama government. Dr. Forson is accused of causing financial loss to the state by authorizing Letters of Credit for the ambulance supplier without proper authorization. However, former Finance Minister Seth Terkper testified that he had given Forson express authorization to write the letters.

The NDC has also disputed claims that the ambulances supplied were ordinary vans without medical equipment. They provided pictures of the ambulances with the necessary fittings and highlighted that a container load of medical equipment has been sitting at the Tema port for eight years as a result of the government's refusal to clear them.

The trial continues, the controversy surrounding the leaked audio tape and the allegations against the Attorney General have cast a shadow over the proceedings. The implications for Ghana's legal system and the integrity of its judicial processes are significant, raising questions about the conduct of high-ranking officials and the fairness of the trial.

The outcome of the trial and the resolution of the allegations against Godfred Dame will be closely watched, as they have the potential to impact public trust in the judiciary and the broader political environment in Ghana.

Key Takeaways

  • Ghana's Attorney General Godfred Dame implicated in ambulance purchase trial controversy.
  • Leaked 16-minute audio tape allegedly captures Dame coaching witness to incriminate Dr. Ato Forson.
  • NDC demands Dame's resignation and prosecution for witness tampering and professional misconduct.
  • Allegations have significant implications for Ghana's legal system and judicial processes.
  • Outcome of trial and resolution of allegations against Dame to be closely watched for impact on public trust.