Houthi Court Sentences 44 Civilians to Death for Collaborating with Saudi-Led Coalition

A Houthi court in Yemen has sentenced 44 civilians to death, including 16 in absentia, on charges of collaborating with the Saudi-led coalition. The defendants, including a humanitarian aid company CEO, were accused of "collaborating with the enemy" and face harsh sentences.

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Houthi Court Sentences 44 Civilians to Death for Collaborating with Saudi-Led Coalition

Houthi Court Sentences 44 Civilians to Death for Collaborating with Saudi-Led Coalition

In a significant and controversial move, a Houthi court in Sana'a, Yemen, has sentenced 44 civilians to death, including 16 in absentia, on charges of collaborating with the Saudi-led coalition. The verdicts have drawn widespread condemnation from human rights organizations, which have labeled the sentences as 'illegal' and 'outside the law.'

Among those sentenced to death is Adnan al-Harazi, the CEO of Prodigy Systems, a Sanaa-based company that developed systems to help humanitarian groups register and verify the distribution of aid in Yemen. Al-Harazi was detained by the Houthis in March last year, and his properties have been seized as part of the court ruling.

Why this matters: The sentencing of 44 civilians to death by a Houthi court in Yemen has significant implications for the ongoing conflict in the region and the humanitarian crisis it has spawned. This verdict could lead to further escalation of violence and human rights abuses, exacerbating the already dire situation in Yemen.

The defendants were accused of 'collaborating with the enemy,' a reference to the Saudi-led coalition that has been at war with the Houthis since 2015. In addition to the death sentences, four individuals were given prison sentences, while 28 were brought before the Specialized Criminal Court in Sana'a.

Defense lawyer Abdel-Majeed Sabra accused the Houthis of torturing the suspects 'physically and psychologically,' adding that they were held in solitary confinement for nine months. Sabra described the trial as 'unfair' and stated that the defense team withdrew at the beginning of the trial after the judges refused to allow them to obtain a copy of the case documents.

The conflict in Yemen began in 2014 when the Houthis seized Sana'a and much of northern Yemen, forcing the government into exile. A Saudi-led coalition, including the United Arab Emirates, intervened in 2015 to try to restore the internationally recognized government. The conflict has turned into a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran, resulting in the deaths of over 150,000 people, including fighters and civilians, and creating one of the world's worst humanitarian disasters.

Human rights organizations have condemned the verdicts as 'illegal' and 'outside the law.' The Houthis have a history of handing down harsh sentences to those accused of collaborating with the Saudi-led coalition. In September 2021, the rebels executed nine people who were convicted of involvement in the killing of a senior Houthi official.

Thousands have been imprisoned by the Houthis during Yemen's civil war, with many detainees reportedly subjected to torture and abuse. An AP investigation found that some detainees were scorched with acid, forced to hang from their wrists for weeks, or beaten with batons.

The international community has expressed concern over the deteriorating human rights situation in Yemen. The recent death sentences highlight the ongoing conflict and the severe measures taken by the Houthi courts against those accused of collaborating with the Saudi-led coalition.

Key Takeaways

  • Houthi court in Yemen sentences 44 civilians to death for collaborating with Saudi-led coalition.
  • 16 of the sentences were handed down in absentia, and 4 individuals received prison sentences.
  • Defendants were accused of "collaborating with the enemy" and were allegedly tortured during detention.
  • Human rights organizations have condemned the verdicts as "illegal" and "outside the law."
  • The conflict in Yemen has resulted in over 150,000 deaths and a severe humanitarian crisis.