Maks Haxhia Calls for Maximum Punishment After Brutal Attack on Lawyer Sokol Mëngjesi

Albanian lawyer Sokol Mëngjesi was brutally attacked and is receiving medical treatment in Athens, Greece. The National Chamber of Advocacy is demanding maximum punishment for those responsible, citing the severity of the attack and its impact on the legal profession.

Nitish Verma
New Update
Maks Haxhia Calls for Maximum Punishment After Brutal Attack on Lawyer Sokol Mëngjesi

Maks Haxhia Calls for Maximum Punishment After Brutal Attack on Lawyer Sokol Mëngjesi

Maks Haxhia, head of the National Chamber of Advocacy, has demanded the harshest penalties for those responsible for the violent assault on lawyer Sokol Mëngjesi. Mëngjesi, who was attacked under suspicious circumstances, is currently receiving medical treatment in Athens, Greece.

Why this matters: The brutal attack on a lawyer and the demand for maximum punishment highlights the risks faced by legal professionals and the need for accountability in the justice system. If not addressed, such attacks could lead to a chilling effect on the legal profession and undermine the rule of law.

Haxhia has been vocal about the need for justice in this case, highlighting the severity of the attack and the impact it has had on Mëngjesi's health. Mëngjesi remains in an artificial coma as a result of severe damage to his nervous system and life-threatening edemas. Despite his stable health parameters, the recovery process will be lengthy.

"The treatment will continue and it will take days for him to be ready to wake up from the artificial coma," Haxhia stated, expressing his hopes for Mëngjesi's speedy recovery and return to Albania.

The attack on Mëngjesi is suspected to be linked to a property case involving former policeman Dritan Nano, whom Mëngjesi represented. The case had been a point of contention, with Mëngjesi demanding payment from Nano for six years following a favorable verdict.

The circumstances surrounding the attack have raised questions about potential political motivations. Mëngjesi, a well-known lawyer and former dean of the Faculty of Law, had been involved in high-profile cases, including one against Sali Berisha, the President of the Democratic Party. Some speculate that the government, led by Edi Rama, may have orchestrated the attack to silence Mëngjesi, a vocal critic.

Haxhia's call for maximum punishment highlights the gravity of the situation. As head of the National Chamber of Advocacy, he is advocating for accountability and justice, reflecting the broader concerns within the legal community about the safety and protection of its members.

The attack on Mëngjesi is a harsh wake-up call about the risks faced by legal professionals, particularly those involved in contentious and high-stakes cases. The legal community stands in solidarity with Mëngjesi, hoping for his full recovery and the swift apprehension of those responsible.

The investigation's ongoing efforts remain focused on ensuring justice for Mëngjesi and addressing the broader implications of such attacks on the legal profession. The outcome of this case will likely have significant repercussions for the legal community and its ongoing efforts to safeguard its members.

Key Takeaways

  • Albanian lawyer Sokol Mëngjesi attacked, in artificial coma in Athens.
  • Attack suspected to be linked to property case involving former policeman.
  • Political motivations suspected, Mëngjesi a vocal critic of government.
  • National Chamber of Advocacy demands maximum punishment for perpetrators.
  • Attack raises concerns about safety and protection of legal professionals.