Cyprus Government Spokesperson Reaffirms Commitment to Resolving Cyprus Issue

Cyprus Government Spokesperson Konstantinos Letymbiotis reaffirms the state's top priority is resolving the Cyprus problem. UN Secretary General's personal envoy Maria Angel Holguin will meet with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to discuss resuming talks.

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Cyprus Government Spokesperson Reaffirms Commitment to Resolving Cyprus Issue

Cyprus Government Spokesperson Reaffirms Commitment to Resolving Cyprus Issue

On Sunday, Cyprus Government Spokesperson Konstantinos Letymbiotis assured the Cypriot people that resolving the Cyprus problem remains the state's top priority. Speaking to reporters after a memorial service in Nicosia, Letymbiotis emphasized that the government will continue to make every possible effort to achieve developments in the Cyprus issue.

The resolution of the Cyprus issue has significant implications for regional stability and international relations. A failure to resolve the issue could lead to continued tensions and conflict between Greek and Turkish Cypriots, with potential consequences for the broader region.

Letymbiotis revealed that Maria Angel Holguin, the UN Secretary General's personal envoy for the Cyprus problem, will meet with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to discuss the resumption of talks. The meeting aims to present an objective view of the facts and exchange views on the effort to resume talks.

According to Letymbiotis, the government remains committed to a final resolution based on a bizonal bicommunal federation with political equality. He reiterated the importance of adhering to the agreed framework and Security Council resolutions.

Letymbiotis also addressed concerns about a potential deadlock in the talks, categorically ruling out the possibility of a 'gravestone' being placed on the Cyprus problem. He emphasized, 'We assure the Cypriot people that there is no greater concern than the resolution of the Cyprus problem, the supreme national issue, and we will continue to make every possible effort so that there can be developments.'

Holguin's mandate, which is set to expire in July, is determined by the UN Secretary General. Letymbiotis expressed confidence that Holguin will persist in her efforts, citing her and the Secretary-General's firm commitment to resuming talks.

In his closing remarks, Letymbiotis highlighted the government's unwavering dedication to addressing the Cyprus issue, stating, 'We know that things have not been and are not easy, but we have no choice. We will consistently and continuously make every possible effort to resume the talks from the point where they have been interrupted, with a view to a final resolution of the problem, on the basis of a bizonal bicommunal federation with political equality.'

The Cyprus issue, a longstanding conflict between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities, has seen numerous attempts at resolution over the decades. The government's commitment to a bizonal bicommunal federation reflects a continued effort to find a peaceful and equitable solution.

Letymbiotis's reassurances come at a critical time, with the international community watching closely for any progress in the negotiations. The upcoming meeting between Holguin and Guterres is seen as a critical moment in the ongoing efforts to resume talks and move towards a resolution.

The government's ongoing efforts have instilled hope in the Cypriot people for a future where the Cyprus problem is resolved, bringing peace and stability to the island.

Key Takeaways

  • Cyprus government prioritizes resolving the Cyprus problem for regional stability.
  • UN envoy Maria Angel Holguin to meet with UN Secretary General to discuss talks resumption.
  • Cyprus government committed to bizonal bicommunal federation with political equality.
  • No "gravestone" on Cyprus problem; government assures continued efforts for resolution.
  • Upcoming Holguin-Guterres meeting crucial for resuming talks and achieving resolution.