Dominican Republic's President Luis Abinader Set for Re-Election Amid Economic Growth and Challenges

Dominican Republic's President Luis Abinader is expected to win re-election with 60% of voter intentions, praised for his anti-corruption efforts and economic management. Nine candidates will run in the May 19 election, with Abinader's strong lead suggesting a decisive victory.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update
Dominican Republic's President Luis Abinader Set for Re-Election Amid Economic Growth and Challenges

Dominican Republic's President Luis Abinader Set for Re-Election Amid Economic Growth and Challenges

Dominican Republic's President Luis Abinader is expected to secure a decisive victory in the upcoming presidential election on May 19, with 60% of voter intentions favoring his re-election. Abinader, who won the 2020 election with 52% of the vote, has been praised for his anti-corruption efforts and effective management of the country's economy.

Abinader's administration has been marked by significant achievements, including a successful national Covid-19 vaccination campaign and the strengthening of anti-corruption institutions. His appointment of a well-regarded attorney general has been a key factor in improving the Dominican Republic's score in AS/COA's Capacity to Combat Corruption Index for three consecutive years.

Abinader's campaign promises include continuing his agenda of consolidating government institutions, promoting domestic electricity generation, increasing government spending on health, security, and road infrastructure, and reforming the Constitution. One of his proposed constitutional changes is to make permanent the country's ban on reelection beyond two terms.

Despite the economic growth under Abinader's leadership, the Dominican Republic faces significant challenges with inequality, crime, and the humanitarian crisis in neighboring Haiti. These issues are likely to be key factors in the election, although Abinader's strong lead in the polls suggests that his handling of the economy and anti-corruption measures have resonated more with voters.

Former President Leonel Fernández, who is polling at 20%, has criticized Abinader's government for not doing enough to address inequality and crime. Fernández's platform focuses on increasing social spending and ensuring that the benefits of the country's economic growth reach all citizens.

The election, scheduled for May 19, will see nine candidates running for president, with three polling in the double digits: Luis Abinader, Leonel Fernández, and Abel Martínez. If no candidate receives over 50% of the vote, a runoff will take place on June 30.

With voter turnout for presidential contests in the Dominican Republic averaging around 70%, the upcoming election is expected to be a significant event. Abinader's high approval rating of 70% and his party's predicted retention of majorities in both houses of Congress further bolster his chances of re-election.

As the Dominican Republic prepares for the election, the outcome will likely shape the country's future direction in addressing economic growth, inequality, and regional challenges. The results will be closely watched, not only for their domestic impact but also for their implications in the broader Latin American context.

Key Takeaways

  • Dominican Republic's President Luis Abinader expected to win re-election with 60% of voter intentions.
  • Abinader praised for anti-corruption efforts and effective economic management.
  • His campaign promises include consolidating institutions, promoting domestic electricity, and reforming the Constitution.
  • Nine candidates running, with Abinader, Leonel Fernández, and Abel Martínez polling in double digits.
  • Election outcome will shape the country's future direction on economic growth, inequality, and regional challenges.