Doubts Loom Within Democratic Base Over Biden's Nomination, Poll Shows

The CBS News/YouGov poll reveals a significant split among Democratic voters regarding President Biden's candidacy, reflecting shifting sentiments and concerns over his recent debate performance.

Bijay Laxmi
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Doubts Loom Within Democratic Base Over Biden's Nomination, Poll Shows

In a recent CBS News/YouGov poll, nearly half of Democratic voters expressed reservations about President Biden's candidacy for the upcoming November election. Released on Sunday, the survey indicates a stark divide within the party regarding Biden's continuation as the nominee.

According to the poll, 45 percent of Democratic registered voters believe Biden should step aside and not accept the party’s nomination. Conversely, 55 percent support his candidacy and advocate for his continued role as the Democratic nominee.

The sentiment among Democratic voters regarding Biden's presidential candidacy has notably shifted. In February 2024, 64 percent of Democratic voters supported his candidacy, whereas in the recent poll, only 54 percent expressed the same sentiment — a significant 10-point drop. Conversely, the percentage of Democratic voters who oppose Biden’s candidacy has risen from 36 percent to 46 percent over the same period.

The poll results follow concerns raised among Democrats about Biden's performance in a recent debate. Critics pointed to what they perceived as a lackluster showing, prompting questions about his suitability to lead the Democratic ticket into the general election.

Efforts from the White House and Biden's campaign have attempted to allay concerns by attributing his debate performance to a cold. Supporters have highlighted subsequent appearances where Biden's demeanor and statements were viewed more favorably, including engagements like a post-debate watch party and a campaign event in North Carolina.

Despite the reservations expressed by a significant portion of the party's base, a majority (59 percent) of Democrats surveyed believe Biden possesses the mental acuity required to serve as president. However, this marks a decline from 71 percent who held this view in a June 2024 poll, indicating a notable erosion of confidence in a short span.

The CBS News/YouGov poll was conducted from June 28 to 29, surveying 1,130 registered voters with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.2 percentage points. Among Democratic registered voters, the margin of error is slightly higher at plus or minus 6.8 percentage points.

Why This Matters: The poll underscores significant division within the Democratic Party regarding President Biden's candidacy, reflecting growing uncertainty and shifting sentiments among voters.

Key Takeaways:

  • 45% of Democratic voters surveyed believe Biden should step aside and not accept the party’s nomination.
  • Support for Biden's candidacy among Democratic voters has dropped by 10 percentage points since February 2024.
  • Concerns over Biden's debate performance have sparked doubts about his ability to lead the party into the November elections.
  • Despite criticisms, a majority (59%) of Democrats still believe Biden has the mental and cognitive health to serve as president.
  • The poll highlights a notable decline in confidence in Biden's candidacy among Democratic voters in a relatively short period.