Chad's Presidency Resumes Official Missions and Convenes First Council of Ministers in 5th Republic

Chad's presidency lifted the temporary suspension of official missions and held its first council of ministers in the 5th Republic on May 30, 2024. This follows a contentious presidential election on May 6, 2024, marred by allegations of fraud, repression, and protester killings.

Bijay Laxmi
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Chad's Presidency Resumes Official Missions and Convenes First Council of Ministers in 5th Republic

Chad's Presidency Resumes Official Missions and Convenes First Council of Ministers in 5th Republic

On May 30, 2024, Chad's presidency lifted the temporary suspension of official missions and held the first council of ministers in the 5th Republic. This marks a significant moment in Chad's political scene, following a contentious presidential election earlier in the month.

The presidential elections on May 6, 2024, were fraught with allegations of fraud, repression, and the killing of protesters. Despite these controversies, the Constitutional Council confirmed the results on May 16, declaring Mahamat Idriss Déby the winner with 61% of the vote.

Mahamat Idriss Déby, who has been leading the military-backed transitional government since 2021, succeeded his father, General Idriss Déby, after the latter was killed in a rebel attack. The younger Déby was not in the line of succession but seized power through a coup, promising a transition to democratic civilian rule—a promise that remains unfulfilled.

The election campaign was marred by significant violence, including the assassination of prominent opposition leader Yaya Dillo on February 28, 2024. The repression and killing of protesters during the campaign period have raised concerns among civil society organizations about the future of democracy and human rights in Chad.

International response to the election has been muted. Chad's foreign partners, including France and the USA, have not exerted significant pressure on the government to democratize. France, in particular, has historically supported Chad's authoritarian rulers and maintains a substantial military presence in the country.

The recent events, including the lifting of the suspension on official missions and the convening of the council of ministers, are seen as steps towards normalizing governance under Déby's rule. However, the legitimacy of his presidency remains questionable given the widespread allegations of electoral fraud and violence.

Chad's political future remains uncertain. While the government moves forward with administrative functions, the underlying issues of human rights abuses and lack of democratic processes continue to cast a shadow over the country's stability and international standing.

Key Takeaways

  • Chad's presidency lifts suspension on official missions, holds first council of ministers.
  • May 6, 2024, presidential election marred by fraud, repression, and protester killings.
  • Mahamat Idriss Déby wins election with 61% of vote, despite controversy and violence.
  • International response to election is muted, with France and USA not exerting pressure.
  • Déby's presidency legitimacy questioned, human rights abuses and democratic issues persist.