Dragan Milić Claims Victory Over Serbian Progressive Party in Niš, Pledges New Government

Doctor Dragan Milić claims to have freed Niš from Serbian Progressive Party control, vowing to form a new government with the opposition. This development comes amid allegations of election fraud and irregularities in recent municipal elections.

Aqsa Younas Rana
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Dragan Milić Claims Victory Over Serbian Progressive Party in Niš, Pledges New Government

Dragan Milić Claims Victory Over Serbian Progressive Party in Niš, Pledges New Government

Dragan Milić, a doctor, has made a bold announcement, claiming to have freed the city of Niš from the control of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). Milić has vowed to form a new government in collaboration with the opposition, marking a significant shift in the political dynamics of the city.

This development has significant implications for the political scene of Serbia, potentially inspiring other opposition figures to challenge the ruling party's control in other regions. The outcome of Milić's efforts to form a new government could have far-reaching consequences for the country's democratic processes and institutions.

This claim comes at a time of heightened political tension in Serbia, following recent municipal elections. The ruling SNS party declared victory in most municipalities, including a rerun vote in the capital, Belgrade. However, the opposition has accused the SNS of major irregularities, including media manipulation, fake news, and hate speech.

The SNS party has faced accusations of authoritarianism, corruption, and a crackdown on democratic processes. Reports suggest that illicit call centers were set up to contact supporters and urge them to vote. Additionally, skirmishes were reported at a Novi Sad fair complex when opposition members attempted to enter a hall filled with SNS activists, prompting police intervention.

Milić's declaration of victory in Niš is particularly noteworthy given the broader context of the municipal elections. While the SNS has maintained a stronghold in many areas, Milić's success in Niš signals a potential shift in local governance and a challenge to the ruling party's dominance.

The opposition's allegations of election fraud and irregularities have cast a shadow over the SNS's proclaimed victories. The accusations include abuse of media resources, dissemination of fake news, and the use of hate speech to influence voters. These claims have fueled tensions and raised questions about the integrity of the electoral process.

As Niš prepares for a potential new government under Milić's leadership, the broader implications for Serbian politics remain uncertain. The developments in Niš could inspire other opposition figures and bolster efforts to challenge the SNS's control in other regions. However, the path forward is likely to be fraught with challenges, given the entrenched power of the ruling party.

Key Takeaways

  • Dragan Milić claims to have freed Niš from Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) control.
  • Milić vows to form new government with opposition, challenging SNS dominance.
  • Recent municipal elections in Serbia marred by allegations of fraud and irregularities.
  • SNS accused of authoritarianism, corruption, and crackdown on democratic processes.
  • Milić's success in Niš could inspire opposition figures to challenge SNS in other regions.