Kwesi Pratt Jnr. Urges Ghana's Electoral Commission to Ensure Error-Free December 7 Polls

Kwesi Pratt Jnr. cautions Ghana's Electoral Commission to avoid errors and technical glitches in the upcoming December 7 polls. He references past electoral issues, including arithmetic errors and result declaration confusions, to emphasize the need for a flawless process.

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Kwesi Pratt Jnr. Urges Ghana's Electoral Commission to Ensure Error-Free December 7 Polls

Kwesi Pratt Jnr. Urges Ghana's Electoral Commission to Ensure Error-Free December 7 Polls

Kwesi Pratt Jnr., Managing Editor of Insight newspaper, has issued a strong caution to Ghana's Electoral Commission (EC) to avoid errors and technical glitches in the upcoming December 7 polls. He emphasized that any mistakes could lead to chaos and potentially result in loss of life.

Pratt's concerns stem from the EC's performance during the limited registration exercise, where arithmetic errors were recorded on the second and third days. Although these errors were corrected, Pratt fears similar issues could arise during the general elections, thereby compromising the process's credibility.

He also referenced the 2020 elections, during which the EC declared results three times, thereby affecting the credibility of the process. Pratt demands assurance from the EC that this year's elections will be free from such confusions.

In a statement during Peace FM's 'Kokrokoo' morning show, Pratt said, 'What is the assurance that no person will lose their lives in this year's elections. EC is responsible for the security of elections...The Police and soldiers can come there but the EC has the responsibility for protecting the elections.'

Why this matters: The integrity of Ghana's electoral process has far-reaching implications for the country's democracy and stability. Any errors or technical glitches could lead to chaos, violence, and a loss of trust in the electoral system, potentially destabilizing the nation.

The December 7 polls are a significant event for Ghana, and ensuring their smooth execution is vital for maintaining public trust in the electoral process. Pratt's caution highlights the importance of a meticulous and error-free election to prevent any potential disruptions or violence.

With the date drawing near, the EC's ability to manage the elections without errors will be under close scrutiny. The lessons from previous elections and the recent registration exercise serve as critical reminders of the need for vigilance and precision.

Kwesi Pratt Jnr.'s call to action highlights the broader implications of electoral integrity. Ensuring a flawless electoral process not only upholds democratic principles but also safeguards the nation's stability.

Key Takeaways

  • Kwesi Pratt Jnr. cautions Ghana's Electoral Commission to avoid errors in Dec 7 polls.
  • EC's past mistakes, like arithmetic errors, could lead to chaos and loss of life.
  • Pratt demands assurance of a credible election, citing 2020's multiple result declarations.
  • Electoral integrity is crucial for Ghana's democracy and stability.
  • EC's ability to manage elections without errors will be under close scrutiny.